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...I felt that myself was bury in a warmth and it was made me feel really good.I inhaled the familiar scent and felt the weight of the arm which was wrapped up around my waist.Warm breath was brushing on my forehead.I opened my eyes slowly only to see Jungkook was staring at me while bearing his head on his bended hand.His soft pinkish lips were curved up slightly and his doe eyes were shining.
'Good morning darling...'
Jungkook murmured with his morning husky voice which made my heart flutter.
I smiled slightly and wished him.
'I missed this smile so much'
Jungkook pinched my cheek making my smile wide.He leaned towards and kissed on my forehead softly.
'I love you darling..'
I felt like my heart was shattering apart.I left him on the bed letting out a sigh.

...I had breakfast with Jungkook who had become a chatter box in front of my silence.I swallowed my breakfast while trying my best to avoid any eye contact.It was really hard for me as he always peeked into my face while talking and trying to feed me.Yeah like a lunatic....

I washed the plates and wiped them while stealing glances at Jungkook who was staring at me all the time leaning against the counter.After I finished my job I was about to leave the kitchen.
I feet...
I heard he was walking towards me and my heart was fluttering so badly.Jungkook stopped in front my down headed figure.I heard a long sigh and the warm breath brushed my forehead slightly.
'What happened...'
'Okay you-'
'Why don't you leave me alone'
I yelled at him while turning my face away to avoid his eyes.

'I told you...didn't I...just leave me alone...please...'

I felt my eyes were brimming with tears.

'I don't deserve you..I don't deserve your love...I'm just a normal girl Jungkook...I'm nothing...please understand it...I know...I was wrong since the first...I made myself to close up you....I shouldn't have to do that...I...I...'

I bit my lips to stop my tears as I didn't want him to see me in tears.

' Y/ ain't are the one I love...I love you Y/N...'

'No you don't... Jungkook it's not've misunderstood about your feelings...the feelings you have towards me are not love but pity...just pity..'
Jungkook cupped my cheeks with both of his palms and turned my face to him.I looked down as I don't want to face him.
'Look at me..'
'I can't '
'Look at me Y/N...'
Jungkook lifted my chin up with his forefinger.
'Look at me in the eyes'
I lifted up my eyes slowly.
Softness...yeah that soft gaze which always let me  wander in his eyes.
'What do you see..'
'What do you see in them'
' ...ME'

'Is it love or that so called pity...'
'Answer me Y/ know what is in that pity....'
'Or love..'
Jungkook let out a sigh.

'Missing you every moment...wanting you around me...wanting to hear your voice..wanting to feel you.....what does it mean Y/ that called pity...  I know the difference between love and pity....I'm not the one who has misunderstood my's're the one who has misunderstood about me and my feelings...'

I felt my tears were falling down over my cheeks.Jungkook hugged me and I hit on his toned chest with my fist letting my tears fell down over my cheeks as they wanted.
'Why..why did you do this to me...why..tell me know I don't deserve you...or your love...that's not will day you'll say that this  should've not be day...ah...GO..'
I tried to push him away from me but the grip was gone tight.
I couldn't move him even a bit far from me.
I looked at him and he was looking at me with the same soft eyes.

'Go and forget everything...I'm a bad dream...wake up from it and forget this bad should find someone...someone who deserves you and your love...but I'm not your go..go..'

I yelled at him while hitting on his chest with my both fists,sobbing.

'Y/'re the one who makes my heart're the one who make me're the one who wakes butterflies up in're the one who brings the most desire feelings for how can you tell that you're not my's you Y/'re my everything...'

Jungkook smiled and wiped my tears away.Then kissed me on the forehead.
'I love you Y/N...'

I hugged him tightly while replying to his state.

...We were in the Jungkook's room.Ah...yeah...we came to Jungkook's house...actually now it's our Jungkook said.

I was sitting on the bed between his legs leaning my back against his chest.Both of us were playing with our fingers,laughing and yeah like before...a lovely couple.

'I've something to tell you...'
'About what...'

'About me...'

Love is not Over _JJK ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now