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I couldn't understand what should I do so I got up the started to drive.I was looking on my hands which were on my lap.I licked my lips.
' everything okay??'
He looked at me and nodded.
'Of course miss..'
I smiled.

....The car stopped infront of a hotel and we got down . Mr.Song leaded me to one of the rooms.Really I was puzzled.I didn't have any idea as I told before.He bowed down and left me infront of a room and I didn't have another choice than entering it.

As sudden as I entered Jungkook  came to me and grabbed my shoulders with a huge smile.
'Ohh you...sorry for this but..but badly I wanted to see you...that's why..I..I...'
He stopped his talk because of my laugh.

'Hay are you laughing at me???'
'Sorry I couldn't help me..'
I told while trying to stop my laugh.
'Oh I forgot'
'Now close your eyes and don't open till I ask..okay?'
I nodded.'Bu-'
He cut my words by closing my eyes with his left palm.

Then I felt he leaning towards me as I felt his warmth.And I felt something cold on my neck.
I opened my eyes and as I guessed it was a necklace.A charm silver necklace with heart shaped pendant.
'Beautiful '
I nodded saying 'yes'.
'Not that it's you..' Jungkook told while lifting my chin.
I smiled.'I'm not beautiful..'
' Really who told you..???'

'Ah..this is very whom did you buy this?'
'Oh..this is for you..'
'What..for me..??But..why..??'
He laughed.'It's just a GIFT'
I frowned.

'Oh no no I can't accept this..' I told while trying to unfasten the necklace.
Jungkook grabbed my hands 'Why???you're my friend right? So this is a little gift for my FRIEND..keep it...'
I lifted my eyes and looked at him.
Ohhhhh....he is so cute  when he gets angry.
'Okay...but I have nothing to give you..'
I told while flashing a smile.
'No this is enough..and this is valuable than any other..'

'Your SMILE '

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