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Jungkook gently licked my lower lip and it signed me to close my eyes.I couldn't help. I started to react.I ran my hands up through his chest and put around his neck.Jungkook smiled seeing my reaction.Both of us started kissing gently.I tasted those rosy lips like I wanted to do it for a long time..might heart was pumping so badly and the warm blood running through it letting it pump too...Jungkook tilted his head to deepen the kiss.I felt like those lips were touching my soul and sucking it.My legs became lifeless and I felt I would collapsed in the ground.But Jungkook tightened the grip more and more using both of his arms letting me know that I was safe in his hands.I wish I could spend my whole life in that moment. Jungkook broke the kiss and hugged me tight.

...We were sitting on a bench and staring at the sunsetting.I was leaning my head on his chest.Jungkook was curved his right arm around me.There was an awkward silence between us.I felt like I was dreaming but his warmth remembered me that it wasn't.My heart was filled with unknown happiness.I smiled to the beautiful scenery infront of my eyes and inhaled the smell of the ocean.Then I lifted my face to see Jungkook and he was looking at the sunsetting.But he looked at me as he felt my move.Our eyes locked with each other.I could read his mind and  smiled as the writ in it.

...It was becoming gloomy and the cold breeze signed us to say good bye to the beach.We walked towards the car and got in.I looked at Jungkook and he was doing something with the player.I heard it was played one of my favourites with a calming intro.

I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me...

Jungkook was singing along with it while driving.He has such a musical and soothing voice.I agree I can't sing like that but I was humming it.I was really really happy.That's why.

...We stopped at a cafe to have some coffee as it was my favourite.You know once I addicted to it.We both were slightly hungry as the  cold weather so we had some sandwiches and cappuccino.

'Jungkook '
He lifted his eyes and gave a smile.
'Surprise is over right???'
'Nope...then what's it???'
Then he leaned towards me.
'WAIT and SEE'
And chuckled.

....We were riding and calming pop song was played.There was a calm smile on Jungkook's face and his eyes were shinning than before.
'Am I that handsome..'
He chuckled and looked at me.
'You were staring at me all the time.'
'Sorry..sorry for what??'
He frowned.
'As I was staring at you'
'Aish this girl'
He said while looking infront.
I was laughing so badly as his cute reactions.Again he looked at me.I turned his face with my left hand.
'Look infront'
'I can't'
'Aish just look'
'OK but under a condition'
I gave a -What- look.
He looked at me with a mischievous smile and,
Pointed his right cheek.
I gave a -no-way- look.
'Then I won't look infront'
Actually I was really scared even though there weren't that much vehicles.And Jungkook was looking at me with his cute face.
I chuckled and sent him a flying kiss.
He rolled his eyes and looked infront.
'I'll take it after'
Jungkook told mischievously.

'Really what a boy is this??? How can he be this much cute??? And forcing me like this....anyway is he......
I saw a bright light through the windscreen....I frowned and tried to keep my eyes open while holding my right hand infront of my face...I looked at Jungkook and heard the sounds of horns and...suddenly a bang...I tried to open my eyes..but I couldn't....I cried out Jungkook's name...but sound wasn't exited...I felt like drifting and.....................................................................

Love is not Over _JJK ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now