Love ~end

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....Jungkook and I were watching the stary sky while sipping a hot coffee in the balcony.Dark blue sky...light blue shining stars....frozen snow...the cold breeze...the mixture of bitter and sweet in addictive.....but more than anything I was addicted to that familiar warmth which I was cuddling with.My heart was filled with happiness and my mind was in peace.I felt that finally my soul has found its mate.I was forsaken in my thoughts when I heard his voice.


I turned my head to see him and Jungkook was looking in my eyes....his shining doe eyes....I flashed a smile.

'I also have a story...ah...if you like to hear...'



I was puzzled.

'Okay...tell me now..'

'Are you want to hear....'

'Of course....why not..tell me please

'Okay...what it brings to your mind when I say that OUR FIRST MEETING...'

First meeting...yeah it brings so many hooded stranger...that bench...those familiar eyes...his devine voice...his bad English...his words that reminded me of SMILE...

Even that memories made me smile.
I snapped out of my thoughts with Jungkook's voice.

'That hooded stranger...right..'

'Oh yeah...'

'But my memory is two months older than yours...'

'What...two months...'


'It means....ah...we...'

Jungkook smiled and turned his face to the stary sky from me.

I was just looking at him expecting his words to come out.

'It was a day that I was wandering around the city which I used to make myself happy watching was really cool as anyone couldn't recognise me.And I really like to tour.....when I was passing a crowded road a couple of eyes made me stop.They were big black shining eyes....but they were not literally shining....they were really shining...shining with tears...and I felt my heart was stopped when I saw the owner of those eyes...a girl who was not that much tall...a good looking...but suddenly she vanished from my eye sight...making me believe that she was a real angel...those teary eyes were haunting around me after that...and again after two months it was a day that I was wandering around the city and again I was walking through a crowded road...I felt someone was collided with me and I heard a muttering of some English made me to behold the person and once again my heart stopped for a couple of teary eyes...that same eyes and same girl...that time I wanted to know the secret of that angel before her I chased her and I found her sitting on a bench...all I wanted to do was to wipe her tears away...but I didn't know why and still I couldn't find why...'

Jungkook smiled and turned his face to me.Then caressed my cheek with his thumb.
He was staring at me and so did I.

'Is that all...'


Again Jungkook turned his gaze to the stary sky.

'I didn't know how should I start the conversation but finally I could mutter some English words...but I got to know that she can understand Korean and I remember that I told her something about to stay smile...but I don't know from where those words came...that night I've to leave Korea for three weeks...and in every second those eyes were bothering me and felt like it would never leave me...after our come back I decided to find out that girl with the help of Mr.Song who's very close to me.He told me that she may live in Seoul as I met her two times here and she looked like working here....but I haven't any photo of her so I sketched her....I didn't expect that I could finally meet her until Mr.Song told me that SHE COMES TO THE COFFEE SHOP IN EVERY EVENING...after our meeting I got to know that I was in love with her and I wanted to make her to fell in love with me....but...*sigh*'

Jungkook unfastened the grip on me and walked into the room leaving me in the balcony alone.I was just staring at him.Jungkook placed the mug on the table and stood facing me his back without saying a word.I stepped into the room and placed my mug beside his and walked to him.


I placed my hand on his shoulder and it made him to turn to me.

I muttered while giving a questioned look.

Jungkook leaned towards and lifted me up to the air with his muscle arms which were placed under my arms.My bended legs were swinging in the air and my hands were wrapping around his neck.I was really surprised as his reaction.Jungkook flashed me his angelic smile and made our faces close.
'But I got to know that she was already in love with me...'

I gave him a smile of relief and I felt those soft pinkish lips were brushing mine.Both of us were breathing the warm mixture of each others breathe.I felt his lips were clasping my upper lip while I closing my eyes.My heart was pumping warm blood to my cheeks making them burn.I made myself closer to him and reacted his touch on my lips.Jungkook kissed me softly yet passionately tilting his head....invading my mouth with his tongue...letting both of us moaning in pleasure...

......I want to live in this moment.... future...just the present...feeling present moment...feeling's a deal with the soul....


____________________________________'s over.....but........Love is not Over....

So annyeong guys😁
...this's the first time I'm talking to😄

...I don't know what should I say...😂

...anyway...what about my story.?
This's my first fanfic and I'm so happy as I could complete it...☺

Actually tell me what about the I wanted to make it a tragedy but a lil thought made it a happy hope you all like it...😊

May be there are thousands of mistakes...please forgive me and let me know about those in comments if you find I can correct them..

I love you all my readers and thank you for reading my work...and here I want to do a special thank for my lovely friend
....sweetie I want to thank you for all
(I know you don't like this but please accept my thanks..😆 )

Okay....I'll do it with Jungkook's words..then you can't reject....

You make me begin
You make me begin
You make me begin
(Smile with me Smile with me Smile with me)
You make me begin
(Smile with me Smile with me)

Love is not Over _JJK ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now