July 2004

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Drench yourself in words unspoken

Live your life with arms wide open

Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten

-Unwritten (Natasha Bedingfield)


"Welcome to Gotham City, Miss Connery."

I stood in front of a short, portly man. My new boss, as a matter of fact. I smiled and accepted the hand he had outstretched toward me.

"Thank you, Mr. Flannigan. I can't tell you how happy I am that you chose me out of all the other applicants. Some, I have to admit, are far more qualified than I," I said to him.

"Well, from what I've seen, you have amazing skill. We were also looking to hire new journalists on the younger side. Perhaps gain a new perspective. You were what we were looking for."

"I hope I live up to your expectations, sir."


I sat at my desk, thinking hard about the first conversation I'd had with my boss a month ago. He had high expectations for me. I felt like I wasn't living up to those expectations. I yawned and leaned back in my chair.

Even after living only a month, I realized crime in Gotham, quite literally, never rests. I remembered watching the news and always seeing Gotham on the station. But I never imagined it would be as bad as I now saw it was.

Gotham also had a very interesting style of criminal.

I glanced at the clock. There were two minutes before I could leave. I groaned. Nothing was happening? Why couldn't I go?

It appeared everyone else shared the same mindset. Some were actually leaving. Me, I wanted to preserve my worker's integrity.

One minute.

The moment the clock hit five o'clock I was out.

"Bye, Paul," I called to him. He didn't answer. I stuck my head into his office. He was asleep. I left him alone.

It wasn't dark yet as I walked home. Walking home in Gotham during the day was bad enough. I couldn't imagine walking home at night.

To the east was the notorious Arkham Asylum. It housed the worst of the worst. I'd hate to be a patient there, much less work there. I stared at the gothic looking asylum as I walked. That was how I ran into something.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I apologized, finally paying attention to what I was doing. It was an African American woman I'd run into. Everything she must have been holding was on the sidewalk. I immediately dropped to my knees to help her pick up her things.

"It's alright," she said. I glanced at the cover of the folder she had. It had the words Arkham Asylum printed on the cover.

"Arkham, huh?" I asked as I handed the folder back.

"Yeah, it's an interesting place," she said. In one of the folders I picked up, I noticed a tab with a name I recognized on it.

Jonathan Crane.

"You know Jonathan Crane?" I asked the woman.

"He's a new doctor. You know him?"

"We were friends as teenagers."

"You know, he might have mentioned you. What's your name?"

"Amber Connery," I said. The woman nodded her head.

"He has mentioned you. By the way," she stuck out her hand, "I'm Dr. Joan Leland."

"Nice to meet you," I said as I shook her hand. It was just then I noticed that it was getting dark.

"I should go. I don't think either of us wanna be walking home in the dark," I said.

"You're right," Joan agreed. "You should come by some time. I'm sure Jonathan would be happy to see you."

"I'll see if I can find the time to do that. Goodbye, Dr. Leland."

She waved as I started walking to my apartment. I was surprised to hear Jonathan was still in Gotham. What were the chances of that?

When I got to my building, I took one last look at the asylum. It loomed over the city, almost like a dark stain. Threatening and unwelcoming.

Sort of like a certain person who now worked there.


A/N: So I'm back! Sorry this chapter took so long. This chapter was a bit difficult to write, I didn't know how I wanted to start Amber's story as an adult. But this is what happened. I've started the next chapter, so hopefully it won't take as long as this one did!

In The Eye of the Beholder | Jonathan CraneWhere stories live. Discover now