January 2006

958 29 6

When angels fall with broken wings

I can't give up, I can't give in

When all is lost and daylight ends

I'll carry you and we will live forever, for ever

-Angels Fall (Breaking Benjamin)


I so wanted to throw something. I'd tried looking everywhere for anything on Jonathan, Dr. Arkham, or Hugo Strange. There was nothing worth anything to me. Alyce Sinner was the only one who'd given me any decent information. But she hadn't contacted me again since we last spoke.

I wanted to bash my head against the desk. I didn't. I just let it drop.

"Amber!" someone hissed. I didn't pick my head up. "Amber, get up. The cops are here!"

My head shot up.

At the front of the office, two cops talked to Paul. Why were they here?

And why were they coming toward me?

"Just walk by. Please," I muttered to myself while lowering my eyes.

"Amber, these gentlemen would like to speak with you," Paul said.

Damn it.

"Is there somewhere private we could talk?" the cop with a mustache asked.

"My office," Paul offered.

"If you please, Ms. Connery," the same officer asked. I followed him and the other man to Paul's office. The man without the mustache shut the door behind us.

"So what can I help you with?" I asked the two cops. "If I can?"

"We hope you can," the mustached one said. "My name is Captain James Gordon. My partner here is Detective Harvey Bullock. We have a few questions about someone you spoke to three days ago."


"Dr. Alyce Sinner," the captain said.

"I'm sorry, but why? I'm not in trouble, am I? I haven't harassed her if tha-"

"She's dead," Bullock interrupted bluntly. My mouth snapped shut. I hadn't considered the possibility she could be dead. But who would?

"Excuse me?" I said. It was all I could think of to say. What was I supposed to say? What could I say?

"She was found dead in her home the day after you spoke to her," Captain Gordon explained.

"I-uh. I-" I tried to form words. I couldn't figure out what to say. I was speechless.

"Can you tell us what you talked to her about?" Gordon asked. I could. Just because I could didn't mean I wanted to.

"I'm sure you've heard rumors about the asylum," I started to explain. Detective Bullock snorted. He obviously knew about them.

"Of course. Who hasn't?" the detective asked.

"I've been investigating them," I continued. "Dr. Sinner was a contact I found. All I asked her about was one of the doctors. I asked what they were like."

My answer was vague. I'm sure they knew who I was talking about anyway. I was sure Gordon knew, at least.

"Did she give any indication that she thought she was in danger?" Gordon asked.

"None at all. She sounded relaxed. Normal, I guess. That's the best way to put it. "

"Did you two ever meet in person?"

In The Eye of the Beholder | Jonathan CraneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin