February 2006

907 34 3

See, I do believe anger is offset by sorrow

But you destroy today you might regret tomorrow

-We 3 (Soul Asylum)


"Hello? Yes, this is Vicki Vale to speak with a patient. Yes, I can wait a few minutes."

My nerves were skyrocketing.

Somehow, someway, Jonathan had convinced 'Vicki Vale' to speak with a patient. I had called into work to say that I was working from home today. I hadn't been asked why which I was thankful for. I wasn't sure how it would sound to say that I was assuming someone else's identity in order to talk to an Arkham patient. As much as Vicki seemed to like me, I don't think she would appreciate me using her name to do what I was doing. I'd have to find a way to make sure she didn't find out.

Lying was hard.

I nearly dropped the phone when the door to my apartment opened. Jonathan was not supposed to be here.

"You're back early," I said as he made his way into my apartment.

"I wasn't needed today. Is that a problem?" he asked.

Yes. Yes, it was. That would mean I would have a harder time asking the relevant questions. If I left to go into my bedroom, it would look odd. It would look suspicious.

"No, there isn't," I said. Jonathan sat next to me and started stroking my hair. Of all the places he could go. Right beside me. I forced myself to smile,

"Ms. Vale?" the female voice came over the phone.


"I'll be patching you over to our patient now. Simply hang up when you are finished."

"Thank you," I said. Jonathan's fingers continued to stroke my hair. There was a moment's pause before the patient started to speak. My blood ran cold at the familiar voice. Victor fucking Zsasz. The situation really couldn't have gotten much worse.

"Hello, Ms. Vale. I'm afraid I must be honest, but I would have preferred to hear Ms. Connery's voice," he said.

"Hello," I said to him. He gasped. Theatrical, of course.

"Oh, Ms. Connery. Pray tell, why are you pretending to be Ms. Vale?" he asked.

"I have my reasons," I answered. "Could you hold for a moment?"

"You're not alone, are you? No, Dr. Crane must be right beside you."

"Perhaps. A moment, please."

Jonathan's fingers were threaded in my hair. He was staring straight ahead. He was mocking me. He knew. He knew the truth to my shoddy lie. He was making a show of ignorance.

"You're sure you want to listen to this?" I asked.

"Act as if I'm not here," he said. I put the phone back to my ear.

"Ms. Connery. I understand what you want. There's no need to ask me anything. Just listen," Zsasz said.

I didn't understand how he could talk so freely. Unless he bribed the guards to leave him alone. I didn't doubt it.

"Alright," I said. My notebook was poised on the arm of the couch away from Jonathan.

"Dr. Arkham is a cruel man, yes he is. There is no doubt about that. However, his cruelty only shows itself with, let's call it a little push."

In The Eye of the Beholder | Jonathan Craneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें