Chapter 7

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Sara awoke to find herself lying in her bed under the duvet and some blankets all neatly tucked in.

"Fluffy?" She called out getting up from the bed and she found the balcony door locked.

She sighed and went to the bedroom door and opened it.

She crept out the room and went down a few passages and decided to stay there to hide from the maids so she couldn't be dressed up again for the time span of over an hour just so she was dressed and bathed.

She was not a baby, she was perfectly capable of dressing herself.

She suddenly bumped into a wall and fell down.

"I thought I made it clear that escaping was not allowed?"

"Why aren't you in your chamber. The maids are distressed and looking for you," he said taking her hand and helping her up.

"Yeah they are the reason I'm not in my room. I'm seventeen. I'm capable of dressing and bathing myself. They are annoying and don't talk to me. Now I'm going to keep on walking so the King of Jerks does not continue his mission of making me feel weak, pathetic and like a waste if space," she said walking away.

"I'd choose living with a wolf over you any day," she added not glancing back at him, her fists clenched.

"I apologize for my behaviour towards you. I wish you would forgive me," he said.

"Forgive you for ruining my life?" she said stopping.

"I had no intention of hurting you. I just lost control," he said.

"Maybe it would be best if you just let me go home," she said.

His hand grabbed her wrist and in a matter of seconds she had her back firmly against a wall with a pair of arms caging her against it.

His eyes took in her features and before he knew it he had leaned in and his lips were on hers and he was lost in them. He pulled away and his eyes watched the breathless girl as her chest heaved and her breaths came out heavy and panting. He had done that to her, he wanted to give her every bit of pleasure she desired.

"H-how could you d-do that to me. That was my first kiss. You stole my first kiss," she said crying and she broke free of him and ran leaving him to watch her retreating figure.

"Why can I never do anything right with her?" He sighed softly.


"Yes James what is it?" He asked turning around to see his second in command.

"She's beautiful," James stated receiving a growl from his king and in seconds je also found himself held up to the wall.

"Calm down I was just saying she is beautiful and you are very blessed to have her as your fated one," James said and was dropped.

"I believe I am blessed, however she is not. We are not compatible, she is a small and fragile little fiery thing that resents every speck of dominance that I impose on her. She despises how I criticize her wild untamed behaviour that is not fit for a lady. She knows not of our kind and insists on returning to where she came from, speaking about wearing "t-shirts" and "shorts". We are complete opposites, I can't hold a single conversation with her without hurting her be it physically or emotionally. Our meeting was entirely accidental I suppose that I may be partially responsible for why we got off so badly. I unknowingly got her trapped in one of my traps, proceeded to drag her here and then she was nearly killed by the butcher. I can't connect with her other than through my wolf because she holds nost contempt for me. She'll despise me if she comes to know that I am the wolf she has grown fond of. I need to tell her her fate but if I do that then I have to reveal that I am the wolf and if she takes it the wrong way then my only way to connect with her is gone," Adam said sadly.

"What does she call your wolf by? Wolfie," James laughed.

"No, but that is honestly not the matter at hand." Adam muttered.

"Do tell me what it is. Is it Midnight, Ash?" He asked intrigued.

"I'd prefer to stay silent on the matter," Adam said.

"Well then you cannot keep it to yourself. What does your beautiful fated one call your wolf," James insisted.

"It would not be best for my pride," Adam said.

"I am your second," James smirked.

"I don't believe it's good for my pride to say it," Adam said.

"Well then I shall go and ask the girl in question if she has seen a wolf and what she calls it," James decided.

"You shall not talk to her! Her affections for me are non-existent, I do not wish for her to find any favour in you."


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