Chapter 40

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Adam woke up to find his mate nestled on his chest. He felt rather confused. Her heat that had been induced by their failure to be together was gone. He was not exactly sure of why she was so close to him.

"Sara... Little bunny. It's time to wake up," he whispered in her ear.

"Five more minutes," she mumbled, her hand clamping over his mouth and her body almost instantly going back to its numb, limp state in sleeping.

"Sara I need to get up. I have to run a kingdom and you're not getting off me—"

"Quiet," she sleeptalked nuzzling her head into his chest.

His heart nearly stopped when she did that. She was too cute. He couldn't help but just stay still and watch her snuggle him like a teddy. He felt a sense of pride knowing that the cute little ball of fury was his. He would be the one to provide for her and tend to her when she needed it and that seemed to be a common occurrence.

"Bunny... five minutes are up," he whispered to her.

"Shut up," she moaned tossing about on his chest.

"I need to go work bunny—"

He stopped when he saw her big eyes looking up at him. Her arms were crossed, her hands resting on his chest on his top.

"Why? I thought you said you were going to spend time with me today," she said softly.

"When did I say that?"

"So you don't want to—"

"No! No! Of course I want to spend time with you. I want to spend all the time in the world with you but I have to work as well."

She frowned and glanced at the bandage on her neck.

"You bit me. You have to look after me. Don't you? I am in pain and I am tired and weak right now. It's your fault."

"Look I'm not going to leave you here alone. Why do you think I've been trying to get you up?"

"Because you're a mean early bird," she mumbled.

"Am I really mean?" He asked playfully.

"You are interrupting my precious sleep," she pouted.

"I've already let you sleep in little bunny. It's time to get up."

"Stop calling me bunny. Also I made it clear I am not changing beliefs for you. Which means goodnight."

Then her head hit his chest again.

He groaned and shifted underneath his small clingy mate. She had a tight hold on him that he was unable to shake.

He knew she was tired and exhausted. The bite would drain her energy as his scent slowly would be left on her.

"Stop moving," she whined as he shifted.

"I need to get up."

"No you don't. You are my pillow. You stay on the bed where pillows belong," she demanded.


"I'm not taking no for an answer now be still I'm trying to sleep."

He shook his head and began to attempt to pry his sleeping koala off of him. Despite being a supernatural creature he was unable to remove the tired, determined, clingy human off of him.

At least he was able to work when she wanted nothing to do with him. Now she was just trying to use him as a pillow. He was a King... right? How had it come to this. His mate was treating him like a glorified pillow or maybe just an average oversized normal pillow.

He was sure that she was strange, even for someone of her own society.

"I told you to stop moving!" She grunted, moaning.

He gave one final attempt and managed to succeed in prying her off of him and lying her back on the bed.

She didn't need to come to the meeting. She could begin easing into her duties as his queen later. There was no way she would be able to assist him with documents, meetings and whatever else in her current state.

If anything she would be more likely to make him get laughed at. She didn't want him moving, she didn't want him doing basically anything but being her—

He was tackled to the bed.

"Stay pillow," Sara ordered.

When did she get so strong?

His eyes stared at the bandaged mark. He had no accounts of humans getting marked. Was it literally changing her? He should have not had such a hard time getting her off him but he was struggling.

She sat up on him and glared at him. Two tiny canines poked into view.

"You seem to be a very low quality pillow you know. I have had to give up a lot of things for you and deal with your complete ignorance as to what I want. It is only fair that I get what I want. You are going to be a good pillow and let me sleep because I very well deserve it," she declared before dropping down onto him.

Be sighed, earning a soft growl.

He slowly manoeuvred his hand to her lips and lifted it slightly to poke her teeth. There was a sharp little canine alright.

No wolves had canines in human form without them wanting them there and that was only in fights and for marking. Canines could not come out unless required.

Whether or not she chose for them to be out the canines meant that she had changed from the mark. She was stronger because she had a bit of wolf in her suddenly. How much though, he was not sure. Maybe it was a few traits or maybe she had become one like him.

He was not sure if he could handle Sara like she was currently. She was stubborn and determined normally but with a wolf she would be even more so.

Well he was probably going to have to change some things with her as a queen. There was no way she was ever going to submit.

Looking at her little canines he felt sad. There had always been a chance she could visit home. He was not sure how but there would have been a chance. If she could not hide her canines he doubted that would be possible. If anyone noticed at all there could be danger.

He stopped his attempts to wake her up and just let hed use him as a pillow. They could conduct the meeting in the bedroom if they were so desperate.

He could not keep being a major jerk to her. She had to be prioritized more. He had to actually make more of an effort. Well he had been trying but obviously not in the right way.


Well it's been almost forever since I updated here. At least three months and I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long. I have multiple books, I was writing exams and I have had some bad writer's block.

I hope you all liked the chapter.

Please comment any ideas because I'm kind of just winging everything. I didn't actually think this far into the book. I am certain that's why I have writer's block.

I would have written more likely if the wattpad app on my phone was not so inefficient.

Anyway Happy New Year. I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for all the support you have given me.

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