Chapter 26

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"Your highness dinner is ready," a butler said walking into the ballroom.

"Thank you."

"Dinner?! What happened to lunch?" She asked shocked and surprised by the time.

"Remember how you once told me napping had become a personality trait for you. You slept through lunch. I would have came to you sooner. I just assumed you were either mad at me or taking a while to get dressed. Some women I have heard do take a while," he replied.

"No come, you must be hungry," he said taking her hand and she nodded in reply.

She followed him into the dining table where he sat on the throne.

A servant pulled out a chair at the table gesturing for her to sit once the King was seated and she sat down on the soft cushioned chair and a servant pushed it in for her.

"Would you like some wine Sara?" Adam asked her.

"Um no thank you?"

"Why do you always decline it?"

"The legal age from drinking wine is eighteen. There's a lot of things you can only do when you are eighteen or older, you can gamble, drink, get married-"

"That's stupid. Females can marry at thirteen," he remarked.

"That sounds stupid to me. I mean why do that when there is school. Marriage would interrupt that," she said drinking her water which was a pretty blue, she wondered how it was blue since water was transparent.

"We don't have school. There are tutors for that," he said.

Her face contorted as she found the blue water not tasting as nice as she would have liked but she assumed she was just used to having bottled water instead of their water and she would get used to it soon enough.

The servants brought the food to them, removing the silver dome to reveal a beautiful specially prepared meal, although every meal was always specially prepared.

Adam snuck glances at Sara whilst she ate the food that he had hunted whilst she was asleep he was proud that she was enjoying it. He wanted her to he happy, happy enough to stay and be his queen.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you," she said.

"That's good. I'm happy you enjoy it," he said.

Sara took another few sips of her water and suddenly began choking and spluttering. Her goblet fell to the table, crashing as she began violently coughing.

"Sara what's wrong?" Adam asked immediately getting out his chair and caught her body as she collapsed.

"Sara speak to me!" He urged her, panicking as she coughed more and she went paler.

"Get the doctor!" He shouted as she be weakly lay in his arms, her coughing refusing to stop as blue lines spread following her veins.

"Don't touch anything she's eaten! No one may leave the castle until I give permission!" He shouted.

"Your highness," a man said running into the room led by a servant.

"Doctor I need you to examine my mate immediately."


"Your highness, she appears to have been poisoned with Herogium. Did she eat anything strange before any symptoms started showing?"

"She was drinking her water," the King replied.

The doctor got up and cheeked the goblet.

"The poison was in her water. Take her to bed your highness. I'll find the antidote for her soon," the doctor said.

Adam nodded and picked his mate up in his arms and began to carry her ailing form back to her bedroom where he gently placed her on her bed and she looked up at him through half open eyes whilst coughing.

"It's okay princess, I'm here we'll get you better really soon," he whispered stroking her back.

"A....Adam I-I want to throw up," she said holding her mouth.

He quickly picked her up and took her to the bathroom and sat her on her knees by the toilet and held up her hair as she began to puke into the toilet whilst also trembling and coughing.

Her body ended up going nearly limp and he held her chest up a bit for her.

"Your highness I have the antidote," the doctor said running into the bathroom.

The doctor gave her the antidote for the poison on a metal spoon and she cringed her face as she swallowed the disgusting syrupy liquid.

"There we go. It'll take a day or two for the poison to fully leave your system so you'll feel weak for a while still," the doctor said and the girl nodded exhausted as she leaned back into her mate's arms.

He gently carried her back to the large bed and laid her down and sighed as he turned to leave once the doctor had left.

"No. Please stay," she pleaded.

He smiled and made his way to her side and sat down beside her and ran his fingers through her hair as she laid weak.

She turned and rested her head on his lap and he continued with his gentle strokes.

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