Chapter 19

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"Are you sure you're ready for school?" Nathan asked.

"It's been over three weeks since I was last at school. I'm going to miss out on more work and I don't feel like catching up on more work," Sara replied shaking her head.

"Sara you're finally back at school!" Millie exclaimed running up to Sara and grabbing her hand.

"Bye Nate!" Sara screamed as she was dragged off to her friends.

Sara suddenly stopped in her tracks as she got an image of the King in her head.

He was pacing in his throne room. He was angry and dangerous. His eyes were a glowing red and he looked furious.

"I don't care! I said find her!" He screamed at his best friend.

"Calm down we will have Lady Sara back-"

"I said find her!" The King screamed.

"Sara! Sara!"

"Huh?" Sara said.

"Are you okay? You kinda went all strange back there. If it's got something to do with when you were kidnapped you can tell me," Millie said.

"No I'm fine honestly," Sara insisted.

"Are you sure? You haven't seen a psychologist or counsellor after being missing for nearly three weeks," Millie said.

"I don't need to see a psychologist. I went to the doctor and, besides the little burn I got and a few small scrapes on my leg, there is nothing. Look I wasn't raped, I wasn't abused and I wasn't put through trauma. I am perfectly fine. My kidnapper was not like one of those perverted mafia men in books that kidnap girls. I'm not saying I support or like him but I'm saying I am fine. Nothing to worry about," Sara insisted.

"But no one can be fine after being kidnapped-"

"Look the worst it got was his sexist opinions and small temper. That's all. I am perfectly fine," Sara said.

"He may have brainwashed you. Stockholm syndrome remember."

"I ran away from him. I don't like him and why is it that you believe a girl should fall in love with her kidnapper," Sara said.

"Oh come on he had to have been attractive."

"How do you know he was not an old man?"

"Do old men kidnap young girls in the forest for no reason. He had to have been young and was he attractive?"

"Look we really did not get along well so I didn't bother to see myself attracted to him and look he kidnapped me. He didn't let me go like in Beauty and the Beast. He refused me my freedom. I ran away from that place so please stop romanticizing about my kidnapping. I might not have been affected mentally or physically in terms of trauma but I didn't enjoy being kidnapped and I'd appreciate if you didn't bring it up," Sara said.

"Oh I understand. I'm sorry Sara," Millie said.

"Thanks for understanding," Sara said smiling softly.


"Sara where are you?"

"Sara!" Sara jumped at the sound of the teachers voice. "What is the answer of number 2.1?"

"Huh? Oh, 32x+5"

"Hmm, good," Mrs Walton replied with an air of suspicion in her voice. She had wanted to make an example of the girl for daydreaming in class but had failed.

Sara looked down at her work, throughout the day she had been getting images more like videos in her head of the King. She was sure they were not real but they felt that way.

She had hated that man and how he treated her but she was being pulled to him. It was strange. She couldn't understand it.

The bell rang to interrupt her thoughts and she got up and left the class and went outside, she glanced at the forest and she saw a man that she was sure she had seen at the castle. He was sniffing the air.

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