Chapter 32

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Sara sighed in relief as all the many many guests had finally left the castle. She preferred normal people or being with fewer people. She had no idea how she was to survive the ball with all the people who would be constantly wanting her attention. She was not really interested in having all eyes trained on her. It would mean gossip and possibly made up scandals. She just did not want to have the spotlight.

She decided it was time to leave, with no reason to stay and hang around when she could be out of the corset and in a warm large bed. She made her way to her chamber and closed the door behind her, abandoning the King without warning.

She sunk down against the door looking out at the large bed chamber before her with her arms crossed over her legs.

The realization had dawned on her that she would soon enough be queen.

A queen.

That was a huge amount of responsibility regardless of whether she actually did much. She would likely be expected, like Queens in history, to bear an heir. It was a large amount of pressure.

She was just a girl, how could she hold and handle such responsibility. People would stare at her stomach waiting for her to become pregnant. Was that not weird.

Not even the above mentioned but just the title was daunting. He had called her his queen many a time however she had never taken it seriously or planned to stick around long enough to be given the title. Now it was too late to run away. She had not been trying to escape but she knew there was no way the King had not taken precautions after her last escape. Guards likely guarded her window and were stationed nearby.

She felt the door move against her back, pushing her and she moved and turned around and looked up to see the King looking down on her.

She rubbed her tears away with her hands, trying not to show him her emotions.

"You don't need to hide your tears from me Sara. A good King needs to take care of his Queen as well. Allow me to take care of you on an emotional level my love," he whispered bending down and kneeling before her on the floor.

Her lips moved to try and speak but all that left them were strange uninterpretable sounds as her voice was kept stuck in the back of her throat clogged by sobs and muffles.

"Shhhh. Just let it all out," he cooed bringing her into his chest and stroking her back, allowing her to cry against him.

"I-I-I'm not read-y. I-I don't want to b-be q-queen," she cried making him freeze.

"Why not?"

"I.... I-I... I just don't think I-I want the responsibility," she said.

"Sara, you don't need to worry about anything. I'll be with you the whole way," he assured her.

"I want my family Adam. I want them to be here when I wed. I-I know I can't though I just..."

"You still miss them, I understand and I wish I could let you see them but I cannot. First of all you will not return. Whether or not you wish to return, they will not want you to leave. They will think you are insane and possibly lock you up if you wish to come back and there are many things you don't understand. There is after all a reason we keep away from human society and letting them know why you cannot stay with them or have them visit could put my people in danger. As a King it is my duty to look after my people as well," he said.

"I-I feel like my world is crashing down. A-all I have ever known is gone. E-everything is so strange and foreign to me," she cried.

He felt pity for his poor little beloved. She was right, she was young. He had been alive for centuries and she was only nearing two decades. Sure a Queen did not have many duties but there was responsibility and he knew it was a lot to put on the shoulders of a girl her age.

Not only that but she was a stranger to his world. She did not have any familiarity, she was from a world that had taken a complete different turn from theirs. They had stuck to tradition, whilst humans went unconventional. She knew of things that were strange, she acted strangely and had strange ideas put in her head.

"I'm so sorry my Queen," that was all he could say.

He was not going to make false promises and let her down. He could let her go home but he could not. He needed her, his people needed her. It was selfish and cruel to keep her like he was but he had no other choice. He knew what he was like without her soothing presence. He was raging, destructive and cruel when she left.

"I-I know. I-I'm so selfish," she sobbed.

"No no Sara. You are not selfish. I ripped you away from your family and your comforts. Please do not feel guilty. I have forced you into something and I am too selfish to let you leave. I am so selfish. I can't help it though when I see you. You're so beautiful my beloved. So beautiful and fragile, delicate and yet full of fire and energy," he said gently kissing the top of her hair.

She yawned slightly through her tears and blushing red cheeks.

"I think you need some rest, it has been a late night and you have been sick and through a lot," he said picking her up and taking her to the bed.

He gently placed her on her knees on the soft mattress and unlaced the back of her corset and he smiled as she sighed a breath of relief once the strings were undone.

He swallowed a breath as his fingers skimmed her bare back with undoing the corset. Her smooth soft skin felt so alive and perfect beneath his fingers and it made him want to take her. He was a wolf after all, he was an instinctual being. The feelings of instinct were so strong, if only he could rip off the dress.

He rushed into the closet and found her a nice night dress that he approved of and quickly gave it to her.

"Night, I'll let you get ready for bed in peace," he said kissing her cheek before quickly leaving the bedroom.

"Night," she replied softly before slipping on the dress and getting comfy in her bed, snuggling in under the warm duvet covers and blankets.

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