Chapter 13

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Eventually everyone left to go home, leaving a few minutes after each other.

"Your highness, you must hold a ball soon to introduce the Queen, everyone will be thrilled to find you have found your beloved," Xavier said earning a small giggle of approval from Lady Ambrose.

"I'll see," Adam replied before they left, just like everyone else, high in spirits from the wine.

"What did he mean by queen? You have kept me here and paraded me in front of your...court and you have another woman- I could have been with my family instead of holding your arm and sitting on your lap-" Sara said angered turning and storming away.

"Sara... It's honestly not what you think," he said grabbing her wrist making her turn around.

"You're keeping me because I've ''seen too much," I don't even know what you are. Even if that is the case you kissed me the other day and yesterday you almost kissed me again. Kisses are reserved for people who are special to you-" she said tugging her wrist away from him.

"Please leave me alone. Spend time with your "queen" not me," she said running off.

"No Sara, wait!" He shouted running after her quickly grabbing her waist and pulling her against him.

"Ugh! Let me go you player," she said struggling pointlessly.

"Please just hear me out," he requested.

"Hear you out? Like you refuse to hear me out? You are a sexist tyrant. You refuse to listen to me and yet you insist that I hear you out. You may be a king but where I am from there are no kings and the ones we have are only for show, holding no physical power other than for marketing. I've heard that some kings in history have had harems and mistresses but I condone it. I refuse to be apart of whatever this is," she said.

"Sara my people would never do any of that nor would I," he said.

"Prove it because I doubt you can. I know nothing about your kind that's if you really aren't even human. You might as well be people who believe they aren't human and think magic exists when it honestly really doesn't. I have no reason to stay here so why not let me go home to my family. They must be worried sick about me," Sara said tears swelling in her eyes.

"Sara if I were to so much as kiss another I would feel as if my skin was burning and you would feel the same," he said.

"Stop giving me fictional answers. If you want to play around, pretending to be some fictional unhuman creature in an abandoned castle then great- just let me go please," she said.

"Sara why do you deny the existence of what you are unfamiliar with?"

"Because things like magic don't exist. Werewolves and vampires are nothing more than books of fiction that practically make up a large section of the books on Wattpad and fairies and everything else are nothing more than children's imagination!"

"What is Wattpad and werewolves? What stupid thing is that? What wolf constantly wonders where they are? Wolves aren't stupid," he replied.

"Don't play dumb," she said annoyed with his stupidity.

"That's insulting calling me dumb. Most who disrespect me lose their heads, executed in the dungeons or in public like tomorrow when you'll be witnessing what happens to those who commit treason and actions of disrespect towards me and those-" he said turning her around and sliding a finger beneath her chin to lift her head.

"Y-you can't kill her! That is taking it too far!"

"Sara I know you don't believe this is some made up thing. I am not some man pretending to be a king, I honestly am the King of Elisita, the kingdom where we are right now. We honestly are not human. Could a normal human girl send you flying across a room with a slap even if it was hard because I don't think so," he said, his finger gently rubbing her jawline.

"I-I-" she tried to prove him wrong but could find nothing.

"You still have no proof. You have no proof that I'm not some toy for you to play with on the side," she said fisting her hands.

"If I had another woman, a woman I had committed myself to, not that I ever could, if I were to be making her my queen why would I take you to dine instead? Why would I place you on my lap? Why would I order an execution when someone hurt you?" He asked.

"Then who is supposed to be your queen? Tell me that."

"You are, my beloved Sara," he said and her head slipped from his fingers and she took a step back trembling in shock.

Her feet made incoherent steps as her thoughts raced.

She didn't believe him yet she did.

She believed him more than she wanted to.

He was a liar though.

She was ordinary and he had to be trying to play with her.

He was going to scream any second that everything had been a set up. Wasn't it?

If he was truly a king why would he lower his standards to a girl like her?

He was stupid if he thought she would be able to fit in with whatever his world's standards were.

"Sara!" A voice screamed in her muddled and fuzzled head.

The warning came too late as a scream came from her lips.

The movies were wrong. It wasn't slow. It was fast. It was fast and a blur as red hot flames were barely licking her pale skin which glowed in the light.

Her arms flailed as she screamed with sweat quickly beginning to roll in waves down her skin from the heat of the fire.

Her hair was caught in the flames first and she felt the heat at her neck as she plummeted down towards the fire, letting out a final scream.


So we actually hit 100 reads. So thank you all so much for reading🌸

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