Chapter 25

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Sara awoke to the sight of a maid with a silver tray in her hands. The curtains were drawn back and light flooded the room.

"Milady your breakfast," the girl said curtseying to Sara and placing the tray on the bed.

Sara sat up in the bed rubbing her eyes tiredly and the girl stared at her with a look almost resembling horror as she saw the pyjama shorts and t-shirt she was wearing.

"Milady, do you desire to get dressed?" The girl asked.

"Um I'm already dressed," Sara replied confused as she took the tray and looked at the delicious breakfast.

The girl nodded and stood keeping her head down her expression conveying something akin to horror at the choice of clothing the Lady had.

"Do you want some? There is too much here for me to eat," Sara offered.

The girl stared wide eyed.

"Y-yes please milady," she said and she took a slice of toast and ate it rather happily.

Sara soon finished her food and found a note on the tray and read it whilst the maid ran a bath for her.

"To my dearest beloved Sara:

Good morning, I hope the breakfast is to your satisfaction. Please join me in the ballroom once you have finished getting ready for the day.

Love Adam"

Sara could not help blushing whilst recounting what he had said the night before or possibly that morning with how late it was and how he had practically grovelled just for her to give him a chance.

She was sure he was going to blow that one chance out of proportion but she could not find it in her heart to deny him just a chance. As long as he stopped kidnapping her. She would have also liked to have stopped wearing the annoying dresses but she guessed she would just try wear the night dresses as much as possible because they were far more comfortable and they were very beautiful at the same time.

"Milady the bath is run."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it," Sara smiled getting out of her bed and walking to the bathroom where there was a large bath with rose petals and scented soaps.

She slipped off her clothes and slowly climbed in the bath giving a small sigh of pleasure as the water rose against her skin as she descended into luxury and began to wash herself before lying back and falling asleep.



The girl jolted up in the bath, awakening with a start from her sleep.

Her body began shivering as she felt how freeing cold the bath water had become and she did not like the biting cold temperature one bit.

Her eyes met the King's and she sunk her body up to her neck under the rose petal water, her arms crossed over her chest and her knees up to cover herself.

"M-morning," she squeaked.

She noticed his eyes had not once wondered to her nude form in the water. He instead looked at nothing but her eyes. Men and boys where she was from were usually not that respectful or at least not in teen fiction or any fiction in the books she read. They would usually make a flirty or somewhat sexual comment which would have the girl blushing a furious red in embarrassment but he was not like that.

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