Chapter 4

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Tears fell from her eyes once she left the hall and she ran through the castle with no care for wherever she might have been going.

She bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Watch it lady," a man snapped at her before walking away without a second glance.

She got back to her feet and wandered around trying to find an exit.

"What's a privileged little snob like you doing in the servants' quarters? Trying to show off how superior you are to all us 'undeserving poor lower class servants' in your fancy dresses. You privileged ones never have to work for anything and have everything just handed to you on a silver platter," A girl asked sneering.

"I wasn't trying to do that. I didn't even know this was a servants quarter or there was one here," she said trying to be reasonable.

"Then go back to your husband little treasure. I'm sure he'll make you feel special and give you all the attention you want," the girl said.

"H-husband! I'm seventeen," Sara exclaimed.

"Then a girl like you should already be married," the girl said.

"Please there is some sort of misunderstanding. I really don't belong here," Sara said.

"What told you that," the girl said snarkily.

"No I didn't mean it like that. Please do you know how to leave this castle please. I didn't choose to be here," Sara said.

"Birth rights did. It's so bad to be married to a rich husband or have a rich fiance who provides you with whatever you want isn't it," the girl said.

"No I do not belong here. I just want to get back to my family and get out of this crazy castle-"

"There you are darling. Now why are you in the servants quarters. Did this servant here mislead you here," the king said entering the hall.

"No! I was just walking around. Now if you would just let me go home then we wouldn't be here. So let me leave already or I won't stop being annoying," she said crossing her arms.

"Stop with this disrespectful behaviour. You are mine and you will stop embarrassing me like this with your outlandish and completely unacceptable behaviour," the king said angrily as he held her by the wrist and she squirmed in pain as he pulled her and she was forced to follow him back to her room.

He closed the doors behind them and took her to her bed and released her wrists and pushed her on the bed and her heart raced.

He grabbed her waist and she struggled to get free.

"Cease this and let me just give you whatever your little heart may desire I'll give you tiaras, diamonds, gold, dresses, affec-," he growled.

"What must I stop. I have done nothing but try leave from your stupid and weird castle. I have a right to freedom and safety and to not be held prisoner by you," she said.

"Do you wish to defy me," he growled.

"I'm not defying you. You do not own me," she said as his hands held her throat and the oxygen left her lungs.

"You will submit to me darling, you belong to me," he growled squeezing harder and she coughed and struggled.

Her coughing became gasping as she found herself too weak to struggle and her hands gripped his, trying to pry them off her neck, desperately as her lips and face turned blue.

Soon enough her arms feel limply at her side and her head tilted back as her body lost all control.

He suddenly came to senses and he stared horrified and his fingers released her neck and her body collapsed limply on the bed at his knees. Her eyes shut closed and her skin pale.

His eyes failed to stray from the unconscious figure of the young human girl lying sprawled on the bed with red marks on her neck from his very hands.

"No! I'm sorry! Please wake up! I beg you darling!" He cried shaking her body, trying to wake her up from her slumber.

He had forgotten the girl was no more than a mere fragile and vulnerable little human. She was far weaker than any other female he had encountered. She wasn't able to hold out or end up with minimal damage from any harm he caused her physically. He could slap her cheek and it would stimg and burn her and at the force he would do it when angered he could easily break her cheek bones. However he had no reason to lash out at the girl. She had no understanding of the world she had found herself in. She was not used to their culture and ways. He hadn't expected it. It had been a shock to him to find her refusing and denying him. He couldn't help himself but try put her in her place without thinking.

"I'm sorry my love," he whispered softly over her. He knew with every part of him that she was perfect and she did not deserve such as cruel beast as himself. He had murdered many and the girl had nearly made her way onto that list. If she knew of the murders he had ordered and those he had personally carried out she would hate him even more.

He hated how he had feelings suddenly. He didn't like it. He cared what his little one thought. He wanted to shield the girl and protect her from all harm but he knew he was danger in its purest form.

He couldn't love her gently and ease her into the way of life she had been thrown into, as she needed. He could try but he knew it would only fail.

He gently moved her so she lay in the bed, tucked in with her head on the pillow. He unconsciously leaned in towards her and could not help but place a soft and tender kiss on her sweet pink lips before gently stroking her cheek.

"I apologize for my carelessness. I wished not to cause you harm my beautiful little angel. I have no intention of causing you such harm but I did and I wish you could hear this now because my pride forbids me to say this to you while you stare at me with those green eyes of yours," he whispered in her ear before leaving her side and the room.



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