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The test clattered to the floor, and I soon followed as I slid down the bathroom wall. Tears started to slip down my cheeks. There was no way this was real. I put my face between my knees and started sobbing. It was loud, but I was hoping it wasn't loud enough for Wyatt to hear me.

I knew that my prayers were not answered when I heard footsteps heading in my direction. I picked my face up from between my knees and wiped my eyes off to the best of my ability. I was going to stand up, but immediately realized I was too weak to do so. Just as I accepted my fate, I heard a knock on the door.

"Kennedy, are you alright?" Wyatt asked me through the door.

"I'm fine," I choked out.

"You don't sound fine, I'm coming in," He warned. At that moment I realized that I hadn't locked the bathroom door and started scrambling to find the test that was somewhere on the bathroom floor. I finally found it and put it behind me as Wyatt walked in. I thought I was quick enough and he didn't see it, until he asked,

"Kennedy, what did you just hide?"

"Nothing," I responded shrugging my shoulders.

"Kennedy, either you show me what it is or I will call your brother," He warned. I glared at him, threatening to call my brother meant he was serious.

"Wyatt, I don't want to show you," I whispered as more tears slid down my face. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"Kenny, whatever it is, you can trust me," He comforted me.

"It's not trust that's the issue here, Wyatt. I'm still trying to figure everything out myself," I confessed.

"Kennedy, please?" Wyatt whispered. Before I even responded he slipped his hand behind my back and grabbed the test.

"Wyatt, no—" I started, but it was already too late. He held the test in his hands and looked up at me.

"You're pregnant?" He asked me.

"According to that thing, yes," I mumbled in response.

"It's mine, isn't it?" He asked me.

"Wyatt, you are the only person that I have slept with in over six months," I sighed.

"Oh my God, what are we going to tell Grayson?" He asked me.

"We aren't telling anyone yet, including Grayson, we'll tell everyone in a couple of weeks," I requested.

"But—" Wyatt started in defense, but I cut him off.

"Wyatt, please. We don't need anybody to know yet," I pleaded as I took his hands in mine. He nodded his head before wrapping his arms fully around me.

"I will be here for you, every single step of the way," He told me with confidence in his voice. "I am not going to leave your side."

More tears started to escape from my eyes and this time I couldn't contain them. Wyatt gently rocked me back and forth, trying to sooth me the best that he could. I eventually calmed down enough to be able to speak without hiccupping between every word.

"How do you not hate me? I broke up with you just six days ago, now I'm pregnant, and I just ruined your whole future," I sighed. Wyatt unwrapped one of his hands from me and used it to push my chin up, so I was looking him in the eyes.

"Kennedy, you have not ruined my future one bit. In fact, you actually made it better because now I know that I will always have you and this baby there with me." He confessed before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I relaxed at the feeling and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Can I take back the breakup?" I whispered, unsure of what his answer will be.

"Yes, Kenny, you can. But, we do have to tell your brother we are dating," He chuckled.

"How about we do it before we mention the whole baby thing," I suggested.

"Good idea," He smiled before taking my hands and pulling me off the ground.

"Damn, you look sexy in my clothes," He grinned.

"So this is yours?" I asked referring the the sweatshirt I had on. He nodded.

"Your brother stole it and never gave it back to me."

"Well, you aren't getting it back from me either," I giggled.

"That is perfectly fine, sweetheart." He smiled. A smile grew on my face when he called me sweetheart. I picked up the test off of the ground.

"I should probably hide this," I said. I thought for a moment before finding the perfect spot. I made my way to my undergarment drawer and shoved it underneath all of my underwear.

"Classy," Wyatt laughed before wrapping his arm around me and leading me down to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Something small, please. My stomach is still not the happiest." I replied. He nodded before pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator.

"We should tell Grayson today."

"You think so?" I hummed.

"Now or never. Then we can actually be seen at school together," He answered. I twiddled my thumbs and readjusted myself in my bar stool by the island in the kitchen.

"Would you walk me to every class?"

He nodded.

"Would you kiss me goodbye?"

He nodded.

"Would you defend me if somebody was being mean?"

He nodded before saying,

"I would do anything for you."

I smiled, Wyatt Chandler may act like a tough boy, but he was really one of the kindest people I knew on the inside.

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