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"What?" I asked, honestly shocked at the statement that had just come out of Wyatt's mouth.

"I'm going to need to spend a lot of time working to help provide for the baby, I won't have time for football," He explained.

"Hell to the no! You are playing football next fall Wyatt, college scouts are already looking at you for their teams, you could get a full ride to a school for it. Plus, you're the quarterback and your team is depending on you, baby or not. I'm not letting you give that up," I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ken, the money—" He started.

"Wyatt, you know how much money you'll be saving yourself by getting a full ride? Plus, we can save money prior to football season and I can work for those three months. Please, don't give up what you love," I begged him, grabbing onto his hands.

He sighed and let go of one of my hands to run his hand through his already messy hair, "Okay, but if anything starts to look bad, I'm leaving the team."

I got so excited the I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around him. I was surprised he didn't try to flip us over, but I realized he could definitely feel my bump and probably didn't want to squish the baby. Wyatt kissed me and smiled.

"I'm glad we could figure things out like real adults," he noted.

"Definitely, we'll have to be doing it a lot in the future, so might as well get used to it now," I agreed. I pushed myself up, and fell back onto the soft pillows on my bed. Wyatt moved so he was next to me.

"Movie?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed the remote from my bedside table.

"So, what should we watch?" He asked.

"You pick, since I've picked the last few shows we've watched, just no horror."

He chuckled, "How about Perks?"

"Perks?" I questioned, giving him a puzzled look.

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower."

"Oh yeah, sounds good," I told him.

"Have you never seen it?" He asked me, I shook my head. The movie had always been on my list of movies, but I hadn't gotten around to watching it.

"I can't believe you've never seen Perks, now we have to watch it!" He gasped in a fake panicked tone.

I giggled and kissed him cheek, "Whatever you say, Mr. Chandler."

Wyatt quickly found the movie on Netflix and hit play. When the intro started playing, I turned over and rested my head on Wyatt's chest. One of his arms was underneath my shoulders and his other hand rested gently on my stomach.

"You're comfy," I mumbled into his chest.

"Shh, watch the movie," he whispered, his eyes still focused on the TV screen. I giggled at his child like seriousness and quickly turned my attention to the movie.

We were almost done with the movie when I thought I heard my door open. But when I lifted my head off of Wyatt's chest, the door was shut and nobody was there. I poked Wyatt's cheek and drew his attention to me instead of the movie.

"Did you hear that?" I asked him. He paused the movie and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hear what?"

"It sounded like the door opened, but when I looked there was nobody there," I informed him. He glanced over at the door and shrugged.

"Did you lock it?" He asked.

"I honestly don't remember."

"Well... I'm sure it was nothing," He assured me.

"Okay. Don't unpause the movie yet, I have to pee. This baby has already made my bladder smaller," I told him as I flipped my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

Wyatt chuckled, "Kenny, that was too much info."

"Too bad you get to keep hearing it because you put this baby in there," I giggled before sticking my tongue out as him. I crossed in front of my bed and pushed my bathroom door open.

"If you don't like me telling you about having to pee, you're going to hate the birth," I added to my earlier comment before shutting the door to the bathroom. I quickly did my business and washed my hands before walking back into my bedroom.

"Do you want any food or something to drink?" I asked Wyatt.

He looked up from his phone before responding, "I'll just come with you."

I waited for him to get out of the bed before we both headed downstairs. I held onto Wyatt's hand the whole time, until we made it to the kitchen, where I pulled out chips and popcorn from the cabinet and some icecream from the freezer.

"That's for getting out the popcorn Kenz!" Kelsey's piercing voice giggled as she grabbed my bag of popcorn off of the counter.

"I'm sorry, but that's mine. If you want some, get your own." I snapped, snatching the bag out of her hands. Just as I had secured my bag of popcorn, Grayson joined us in the kitchen.

"Wow, somebody is extra hormonal today," Kelsey fake sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"You have no right to say that Kelsey, you are way out of line," Wyatt growled as he pulled me into his chest. Kelsey rolled her eyes as cuddled into Grayson's chest and acted innocent.

"Grayson, I didn't think Kelsey was coming over today," I informed my brother through gritted teeth.

"Well, you and Wyatt made up." Grayson shrugged.

"Whatever, let's go back upstairs Wyatt," I told Wyatt before grabbing our stuff and heading up the stairs.

"Gray, I need to talk to you later," I heard Wyatt mutter to Grayson before he followed me up the stairs.

I let out a loud groan when we were both back in my room. I checked to make sure I had locked the door this time before laying on my bed and opening the half empty tub of ice cream. Wyatt joined me and grabbed the other spoon I had brought with us.

"Out of all the girls in our school, why her?" I asked, my mouth full of ice cream.

"Because she is manipulative and unfortunately he can't see past it," Wyatt groaned with an eye roll before shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"I wish Grayson could see past that."

"Don't worry, him and I are going to have a long talk either today or tomorrow. Let's just hope I can make him see through his layer of puppy love," He assured me.

"We seriously need to knock some sense into him before he ends up knocking her up."


Hey everyone! We hit 50 thousand reads OMG!!! Also, MBBFB is currently #3 in teenfiction (as of 5/4/20)!! I cannot thank you guys enough for supporting this story! I am still loving writing it and I hope you are still enjoying reading it. I'm sorry I didn't update earlier, my school is still doing stuff online and I had to submit an audition over the weekend, so that kept my mind way to occupied to write. But, that's over now, so I'll be back in writing mode! Don't forget to vote if you enjoy and comment who your favorite character is at the moment. Also, what do you think of Kelsey? Anyway, thank you so much for reading!!!

xx - Sidney

My Brother's Best Friend's Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें