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In a matter of minutes, I was sitting in the car in new clothes, my hospital bag was waiting in the backseat, and I was calling my mom, who happened to be working and almost done with her shift at the hospital. My mom picked up just as Wyatt started the car and started on our way to the hospital.

"Hey Ken, what's going on?" Mom asked.

"Um, Wyatt and I are kinda on our way to the hospital because my water just broke," I squeaked out.

"Oh Kennedy! I'll be waiting for you when you get here okay. Everything is going to be just fine baby girl," She promised me.

"Okay mom, we'll be there in ten minutes," I told her.

"I'll start getting you checked in now and I'll see you in ten minutes, I love you," She said.

"I love you too mom," I whispered before hanging up the phone.

"Should I call Gray?" I asked Wyatt before clenching my fists in pain from my contraction.

"Why don't you let me call him. I'll call him after we get you all settled in okay?" Wyatt suggested.

"He'll be pissed if we don't tell him now," I mumbled as I stroked my belly, hoping it would ease the pain a little bit.

"Then I'll put him on speaker," Wyatt said before telling his phone to call Grayson and putting it on speaker.

Grayson answered on the second ring, "Hey man, what's up?"

"Just so you know, you're on speaker Gray and I wanted to let you know that Kennedy and I are on our way to the hospital because she went into labor," Wyatt told Grayson in a collected tone.

"What?" Grayson asked, "Should I come?"

"You don't need to come right now Gray, I'll probably be in labor for hours, it's no use for you to just sit at the hospital for that long," I answered.

"Ugh," He sighed, "Wyatt please text me when she's close to having the baby. I want to be around whenever we are allowed to go back and see the baby," He said.

"Of course man, just letting you know now it may be late," Wyatt chuckled.

"That's okay, I don't care what time it is," Grayson promised him.

"Then, I'll text you an update whenever I have one," Wyatt confirmed.

"I love you Kennedy," Grayson said before hanging up the phone.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot not long after that and Wyatt pulled into a spot near the front and had me out of the car in no time. He carried the hospital bag over one shoulder, while helping me make it into the hospital with his other hand.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw my mom waiting with a wheelchair outside the building. She helped me into it before rolling inside. It seemed like my mom had taken care of all of my paperwork because Wyatt and I just got our wristbands before being taken back to our room. Another nurse was waiting in the room and she and my mom helped me up and my mom handed me a gown to change into. Wyatt stepped out of the room while I changed into the gown and I was immediately strapped up to a machine that monitors the baby's heartrate as soon as I was in the bed.

"Alright Ken, I'm going to tell Wyatt he can come back in and then I'm going to head home for a little bit. I'll be back in probably an hour and a half," My mom explained before giving my forehead a kiss and heading out. Right after my mom left, Wyatt and my doctor entered the room.

"Hi Kennedy, I hear your water has broken, so let's check out what's going on with this baby," She smiled as she headed to do her thing. Whatever she did was only slightly uncomfortable, so it was bearable.

"Alright, you are definitely in labor. Right now it looks like you are only three centimeters dilated, which is totally fine. I'll probably check back in with you every half hour to an hour until you reach ten centimeters and then it will be time to have a baby," She informed us before heading out of the room.

"These next few hours are going to suck," I groaned as soon as I heard the door shut.

Boy was I right, the next few hours went by with much pain and little progress dilation wise. It took from four in the afternoon, when we checked in, until nine in the evening for me to make it  to six centimeters. I couldn't take the pain anymore at around eight, so I go my epidural around eight-thirty. I was very relieving to not have a ton of pain and it made me happier. I was able to take a nap, which was something I desperately needed and I was even able to eat some ice chips, since those were the only things you were allowed to eat until after you had your baby. I was also pretty sure that even Wyatt took a nap, which made me very happy.

Around midnight, my doctor came in again and informed me that I had finally made it to ten centimeters. I was so grateful for the fact that the baby would be out soon and I could cuddle him in real life. Wyatt texted Grayson, telling him he should head to the hospital, while I was being prepped.

I had expected to be pushing for an hour, because that is what most new mom blogs had told me, but I only ended up pushing for around thirty minutes before Noah's cries filled the air. Tear immediately flooded my eyes and Wyatt leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips before getting up to cut Noah's umbilical cord. Noah was placed on my chest after that and I cried as I kissed his head.

"I love him so much," I cried, kissing his little head, "I love you so much," I whispered to Wyatt before giving him another kiss.

"I love you Ken, you are an amazing woman and I am forever grateful for you," Wyatt told me, kissing my forehead. The nurses took Noah off of my chest so they could weigh him and clean him off and I just held Wyatt's hands the whole time. I finally understood why people said your perspective changed after you had a kid. I had only held my baby once and already knew that I would do anything to keep him safe.


Baby Noah has arrived!! Ahhh, I love him so much and I hope all of you do too! I'm only one more chapter and an epilogue after this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry there was a lot of just brief time skipping, I didn't really want to go too far into detail for this. Anyways, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Love you!!

xx - Sidney

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