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"How is it already Christmas Eve?" I asked my mom as she set a plate of food in front of me for breakfast.

"Honestly hon, I don't know myself," She sighed as she got her own plate and sat down across from me at the table. "Did you get an answer from Wyatt about whether or not he's coming tonight? I know he has a family of his own, so it's perfectly fine if he can't."

"Actually, his parents decided this was the year to vacation for Christmas, since it's just him at home and all of his sister's have boyfriends. So he decided to stay back to hang with us," I informed her.

"His parents went without all the kids?" She questioned.

"Yeah, he mentioned something about it being a long overdue anniversary trip," I confirmed.

"Tell him he can stay the night," Mom told me.

"Mom he does that like every other night, I think he was planning to do it already," I chuckled, stabbing the scrambled eggs sitting on my plate.

"Well, just tell him he has to! Mama Harden's orders!" She ordered.

"Okay," I smiled, pulling out my phone to text Wyatt before he came over.

Hey, you staying the night here?

He texted back almost immediately.

I was planning on it, is there an issue?

Nope, I just told Mom your parents were on vacation for Christmas and she insisted that you stay with us

Then tell her yes
I'll be over in an hour ♥️

I'll see you then 💙

I shut my phone off and looked back up at my mom. "He'll be here in an hour. And yes he's staying over."

"Good!" Mom smiled as she stood up from the table and set her plate in the sink. I followed suit soon after and headed back up to my bedroom to get ready for the day. It was a family tradition for my Mom, Grayson, and I to get all dressed up and take photos on Christmas Eve, so we could just stay in our pajamas all day on Christmas.

When I made it to my bedroom, I immediately grabbed the dress I was going to wear out of my closet and grabbed undergarments from my dresser before heading into my bathroom to shower. I showered as fast as possible, so I could try to be ready by the time Wyatt showed up.

When I got out of the shower, I brushed my hair out and dried it with my hair dryer before putting loose curls in it with my curling wand. Next, I put on makeup. I did a mostly natural look but added a pop with sparkly eyeshadow.

When I was satisfied with my makeup, I slipped on my dress. It was a flowy dress that went to about my mid thigh. It was a deep red color that had off the shoulder sleeves and I was absolutely in love with it. Another bonus was that it hid my bump. I finished off the look with small black pumps and a dark red lipstick. After putting my tube of lipstick down, I took a step back and looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, I looked good.

"How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend?" Wyatt asked. My smile grew larger as I turned to face him.

"Same goes for you," I smirked, meeting him in the middle of my bedroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I pulled back and admired his outfit. He was wearing black dress pants with a dark red button up shirt that had a couple of the top buttons undone.

"Look at us, being all matchy," I giggled leaning in to kiss him again.

"Well, you did kinda tell me to wear dark red so—" He trailed off.

I placed a finger over his lips, "Shhh that ruins the vibe," I shushed him.

Wyatt's hand found its way to my bump, "Just think, next year there will be three of us matching."

"That's crazy."

"Hey, Mom and I are ready whenever you are," Grayson told us, popping his head into my room.

"We'll be down in a minute," I promised. He nodded and left.

"Ready to take some pictures?" I asked Wyatt.

"Of course, I feel honored to be taking family photos with the Harden family," He grinned.

"You've been a part of this family for years, it's just you officially are now," I informed him

Wyatt, grabbed my hand, "Let's go before your mom starts getting annoyed."

I nodded and we made our way down the stairs. I spotted my mom and Gray waiting in the living room my the tree. Mom was setting up her phone tripod, so we could take self timer pictures.

"You look beautiful Ken," Mom complimented me, rubbing her thumb lightly over my cheek.

"I know where I got it from Mama," I told her. Mom gave me a big smile before turning her attention back to her phone camera. Once she had it all set up, she started telling us where to stand, and we did as we were told. We took many picture with all four of us and then some with just my mom, Gray, and I. Then, Gray and I had to get our annual twin Christmas photo. After that Mom and I took a few pictures together and Gray and Wyatt took some pictures together. Finally, Wyatt and I took pictures together.

We did several different poses. In the first picture, we were standing side by side and my hand was on his chest while his arm was wrapped around my waist. Then, we took a kissing one, which Grayson gagged at while my mom gushed. And then we took a few pictures with our hands on my small bump, and then Wyatt kissing my bump, for us to keep as memories.

In total we spent about an hour and a half taking pictures, and by the end we were all hungry.

"Alright! Christmas Eve lunch and then Christmas movie time! Let's get this party started!" Mom cheered heading into the kitchen.

"Welcome to the official start of the Harden Christmas Extravaganza," I said to Wyatt.

"I couldn't be happier to be here," he said with a cheeky grin.

"You'll regret saying that in a few hours," I chuckled before patting his chest and following my mom to the kitchen.


Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm trying to finished up my online schooling for this year (which I'm still not done lmao). I also was kinda stumped on what to write for this story, but I think I'm getting my groove back a little bit. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this update! If you did enjoy it, don't forget to vote! Love you!

xx - Sidney

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