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"Alright, I put everything that you may need for him on the dresser in my bedroom and there is formula in the cabinet to make when he gets hungry—" I listed off.

"We got it Ken, Noah's going to be fine, he's got me, Jess, and Mom looking after him," Grayson promised as he took the sleeping baby from my arms.

"I didn't realize how much I was going to miss him until now because now we're actually leaving," I noted as tears began to well in my eyes.

"Would you like us to send you pictures throughout the night?" Jess asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah," I said, nodding into her shoulder, "I would really like that."

I felt Wyatt gently brush his hand against my back and I pulled away from Jess.

"Are you ready to head out?" He asked.

"Just one more kiss," I whispered as I leaned over to kiss Noah on the head. Tonight was the night that Wyatt and I were going to the concert he had bought me tickets for for my birthday, and while I was so excited to see my favorite band perform live, I didn't want to be away from my baby. This was the first time that I was going to be away from Noah for an extended period of time, even though it was going to be four or five hours away from him, at most, and he would probably just sleep the whole time. For some reason, my heart didn't want to be away from him for that long.

"Alright Ken, we have to go or we're gonna be late," Wyatt whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Okay," I sighed, letting him lead me towards the door.

"We'll be back in a few hours," Wyatt told Grayson and Jess as he opened the door.

"Please don't have sex in front of our baby!" I called out right before Wyatt shut the door, so I couldn't see the expression Grayson made to that comment.

Wyatt busted out laughing as soon as we were down the porch steps.

"What?" I asked.

"Kennedy, I hate to admit it, but you're kind of a hypocrite," Wyatt laughed as he opened the car door for me to get in.

I blushed at his statement, "Well our situation is a little different you see, we had to have sex to create him, therefore it is okay to do it now," I claimed, justifying my reasoning.

"God, I love you," Wyatt smiled as he kissed my lips. He shut my door and walked around to get in on his side.

"Is it bad that I already miss him?" I pouted, glancing down at my hands that didn't have a baby in them.

"It's okay Ken, we'll be back in a couple of hours and I'm sure Jess is going to send you hundreds of pictures," Wyatt promised me.

"You're right," I sighed, a small smile creeping it's way onto my face just thinking about all the pictures I was going to get from Jess.

"Now, let's go enjoy tonight, it's Mom and Dad's night out!" Wyatt smiled holding his hand out to me.

"Yeah, Mom and Dad's night out!" I laughed, grabbing his extended hand.

As it bounced around in my head, I realized I loved the ring of that phrase. Tonight was our first  "Mom and Dads' night out' but I had a feeling there were many more to come.


And this is the end! What a crazy ride MBBFB has been, I started this story on June 14, 2019 and am finishing it a little over a year and a half later! This time a year ago, this story had a little over 7.5k reads, now I am ending this book with 300k reads, which is absolutely mind blowing to me. Thank you to all of my readers who have been here since the beginning and made it through the times where I wouldn't update for months at a time, but look where we are now! I just wrote like nine chapters over the course of six days, but obviously you won't be seeing them over the course of six days. Anyways, thank you all for taking the time to read my story and if you enjoyed it dont forget to save the SEQUEL titled Senior Year to your library now! The meet the characters is up right now, so go check it out! Love you all!

xx - Sidney

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