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"Have fun with Jess and Arden," Wyatt mumbled before placing a kiss on my lips.

"Have fun with my lame brother," I giggled into his lips.

He chuckled, "I'll manage."

"Don't forget you're meeting me at the hospital at four for my twenty-six week appointment," I reminded him.

"I won't," He promised me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest the best I could, my belly was definitely starting to get in the way and was becoming a little bit of an issue when it came to moving around like normal. "Tonight is just a you and me night," I sighed.

"Definitely, I feel like I've hardly seen you this past week," He muttered into my hair. While that was a slight exaggeration, Wyatt and I had definitely seen each other less I'm the past week. I had been working in all of my free time, which was really paying off, and Wyatt had been prepping for little league tryouts the whole week.

"We are going to have no social life when this baby comes," I noted. We were already struggling to see our friends just with the preparations for a baby, and we already knew having a baby would be a whole different story.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled away to look at it. My phone screen showed a message from Jess saying she was outside my house. I gave Wyatt another kiss and said goodbye before heading out the door. Jess, Arden, and I decided to have a girls day. We had planned to get brunch and then get our nails done and go shopping. We invited Hailey, but she declined. I didn't know what exactly was up with her, but she had been distancing herself from us more and more over the past few weeks. However, I was the only one that really seemed to notice.

"Hey! How are you doing Ken?" Jess asked as I slid into her passenger seat.

"I'm doing great! How are you Jess?" I responded.

"I'm doing pretty good, glad I get to spend the day with two of my favorite people," She smiled.

"Me too," I added in as Jess pulled away from my house.

"So where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"The Coney Island, it's cheap and has good food," Jess laughed.

"Yes! I need to be saving all of my money for this baby, so cheap brunch is a great thing," I added in as Jess pulled into the Coney Island parking lot. We both got put of her car and went inside where we found Arden already waiting for us at a table.

"Hey!" I smiled, sliding in across from Arden while Jess took a seat next to her.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Arden asked me.

"I'm doing pretty good other than the usual pregnancy aches and pains," I shrugged, flipping through the menu.

"Speaking of pregnancy, I have a rough draft of the list of people getting invited, so I will text that to you tonight," Arden informed me.

"Thank you so much for putting this all together Arden, it honestly means the world to me. Now that I'm working I don't have that much free time on my hands," I thanked her.

"Anytime Ken, I'm literally so excited for you and Wyatt. I cannot wait to meet this baby," she squealed.

"Still no name?" Jess asked.

"Nope, Wyatt told me he had an idea weeks ago and still hasn't gotten around to telling me what it is. I'll probably see if I can get it out of him after our doctors appointments today," I told the girls.

"Hi ladies! How are you doing today?" Our waitress asked, walking up to our table just after I finished talking.

"We're doing great!" Jess chirped.

"That's wonderful, are you all ready to order?" She asked us. We all nodded and placed our orders. I stuck with chocolate chip pancakes, since those sounded so good, while Jess and Arden both got the breakfast special.

"That will be right out for you ladies," she smiled before heading off to help people at another table.

I was about to say something to Jess and Arden, when I noticed both of their eyes trained to the front of the restaurant, where the door was. I turned to see what they were looking at and saw Hailey standing there.

"What is she doing here?" I asked, turning back to look at my friends.

"I don't know, she told me she was busy doing work at home all day," Arden shrugged.

"She's coming over here," Jess said, nudging Arden with her elbow.

"Hey Hailey! I thought you were busy all day!" Arden called out, which made Hailey stop dead in her tracks right in front of our table.

"Yeah, my plans for cancelled," She shrugged, trying to play it off as nothing.

"Then why didn't you tell us? You totally still could have come and hung out with us instead of making plans with other people," Jess said, gesturing to the three other girls Hailey had been with just moments ago.

"I didn't want to be a burden on your guys, you already made your nail appointments," She informed us.

"Hailey, what's really going on? I've noticed that you haven't been acting like yourself around us for the past few weeks. You can tell us if something is going on," I informed her.

"You want to know what's really going on?" She asked, her eyes trained on me.

"Yes, we would," Arden said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine, my parents don't want me being influenced by the pregnant slut sitting across from you," Hailey spit before walking away.

I let out a gasp and froze. There was no way Hailey just said that to me.

"Did she really just say that?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," Jess groaned.

"I guess somebody's name is getting taken of the baby shower guest list," Arden mumbled as she pulled out her phone.

And just like that, I lost one of my best friends all because of the fact that I was pregnant.


Hey guys!! I'm sorry it has been so long since I last updated, I didn't really know what I wanted with this chapter, so it took me forever to write! In case you didn't catch it, I did do a six week time jump, so now Kennedy is 26 weeks pregnant. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope all of you are still enjoying this story! If you are enjoying MBBFB, don't forget to vote and comment!

xx - Sidney

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