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"Girls Night!!" Jess squealed as she pulled her front door open.

"I'm so excited for tonight! You have no idea!" I laughed as she let me in. I had been preparing for this night the whole week, trying not to freak out about all of the details and all the different things that could go wrong.

"Am I the first one here?" I asked, setting down my present for Jess in the Secret Santa pile and my white elephant gift the table Jess directed me to.

"Yep! The other girls should all be here soon though."

"So, how's everything going with you and Wyatt? I feel like we haven't talked in forever!" Jess giggled as she dragged me over to her couch.

"It's going really well. We haven't said we love each other yet, like we know we do, but the words haven't come out yet. He's super sweet too especially with my brother dating the devil herself," I gushed. It felt good to talk about mine and Wyatt's relationship and not have it be a huge secret.

"Eeee! I'm literally so happy for you two, you have no idea!" She smiled before pulling into a sitting hug.

When the door rang again, Jess quickly went to answer it and let in Arden and Hailey.

"The party can start now girls!" Arden giggled as she walked into the room.

"Somebody's in a good mood tonight," I noted, rasing my eyebrows in Arden's direction.

"I just have a great boyfriend, that's all!" She sighed, getting a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Are we talking about the same boyfriend you were just complaining about a couple days ago?" Jess questioned.

"Maybe," Arden huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"If he makes you happy right now, he makes you happy!" Hailey added in as she went to open the door for the other girls who had just arrived. Lauren and Lacey entered the room, followed shortly but Kara and Genevieve.

"Now that everybody's here, who's ready for pizza?" Jess asked as she carried pizza boxes into the living room from her kitchen. We all attacked the pizza and caught up on how everybody was doing. I got to hear all about the girls new love interests or their boyfriends, plus they got to hear about how nice Kelsey was trying to be to me.

"Kelsey is a shady bitch," Arden commented as she wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

"Seriously, does anyone ever remember a time when that girl had good intentions?" Kara asked. There were lots of no's and shaking of heads.

"Wyatt and I have been keeping a close eye on her, so I'll update all of you if we figure out what she's up to," I promise all of the girls.

"You definitely have to, we cannot be left hanging!" Hailey sighed as she pretended to faint in anticipation.

"Alright, now that we're all full, do you all want to do the secret Santa now and then maybe watch a movie or play a game before we do the white elephant?" Jess asked everyone.

"Sound good to me," I chimed in.

"Alright then, everyone grab your gift and then, we'll take turns giving the gifts to the people we bought for," Jess instructed all of us. We all got up and grabbed the gifts we had bought before gathering back into the circle we had previously been sitting in.

"Can I start?" Arden asked.

"Sure!" Jess answered happily.

"Okay, so I had Kennedy! I really hope you love it!" Arden giggled as she handed over my gift. I opened it and inside I found a cute oversize hoodie, which I would definitely be wearing, a few necklaces, my favorite Bath and Body Works Candle, and some candy.

"Thank you Ar! I will definitely be wearing this hoodie as soon as I wash it!" I thanked her. She shot me a happy smile and I picked up my gift for Jess.

"So, I had Jess," I informed everyone as I handed the gift the Jess, who was sitting directly to my left.

"Kennedy, I don't even want to open the gift, the wrapping paper is so pretty," Jess giggled before carefully peeling the wrapping paper off of her gift. She took her time looking at everything I had gotten her and she loved all if it, which made me super happy. We kept going around until all if the girls had opened their gifts and there was wrapping paper all over the floor.

We then danced to Christmas music while we cleaned it all up and made our own custom hot cocoa with the hot cocoa bar Jess had set up.

After watching a Netflix Christmas movie, we all gathered back into our circle to do the white elephant. Jess put all of the gifts in the center and explained the rules to us, even though most of us already knew them. Lauren, who was sitting to my right, went first. She didn't pick my present, which made me feel relieved, but also more nervous at the same time. She opened it and it was an adorable pajama set that had cute Christmas animals all over it.

Next, it was my turn and I picked out one of the medium sized boxes. When I opened it, there was a cute knitted hat with a pom pom on top, an adorable Tumblr for coffee, and super soft pair of socks.

Then, Jess went and she didn't pick my gift. As we kept going around the circle, my gift was still sitting there. Finally the last person, Arden, got the luck of opening my gift. If anything I was glad it was her and not one of the girls I didn't know as well.

"This basket is super cute, I'll definitely be using it for something!" Arden smiled before pulling out the Bath and Body Works gift set, then the pair of slippers, next the tube of fairy lights, and last but definitely not least the box with the test in it. I decided instead of putting in a real pregnancy test, I would out in a picture of one and then keep the real one with me in case they needed more proof. I also had an ultrasound picture tucked away in my bag to show all of the girls.

"Ooh! Is this a necklace?" Arden asked before pulling the lid off the box. When she glanced inside a confused look washed over her face.

"What is it?" One if the girls asked.

"It's a picture of a pregnancy test?" Arden answered, but really it was more of a question.

"What?" Hailey asked, leaning over to look at the picture Arden was now holding in her hands.

"Surprise!" I said in an unsure tone because I wasn't really sure how the room was taking this.

"What Kennedy?" Arden asked clearly confused.

"I'm pregnant." I announced.


Hey guys! Happy Mother's Day!! In honor of Mother's Day, I figured I'd update this story, since Kennedy is our favorite soon to be mother and Angela Harden is also an amazing mother. Also... Yes, I know this is like the third time I've left you on a cliff hanger for somebody's reaction to Kennedy's pregnancy, but it ends up just being the best break in chapters so.... Imma keep doing it! Anyways, thank you all so much for reading! I hope you all are having and amazing day and still enjoying this book! Don't forget to vote!

xx - Sidney

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