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"Last day of Junior year!" I sighed in relief as I got into Wyatt's car. I probably would have been a little more enthusiastic if I wasn't thirty-nine weeks pregnant, but knowing it was the last day of school gave me the much needed energy to get through it.

"Only one more day of worrying if you're going to go into labor at school," Wyatt chuckled.

"Only one more week before were supposed to meet our baby," I sighed, "where did all this time go?"

"I wish I knew," Wyatt sighed, kissing my hand.

"Have you seen that like twenty people are hosting end of the year parties?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's not even Senior Year, I don't see why it's such a big deal," Wyatt shrugged.

"Aren't you supposed to go to these parties mister football player?" I questioned.

"Not when my girlfriend is thirty-nine weeks pregnant and could go into labor any second," Wyatt started, "plus everybody knows where my priorities stand and you always come first."

"That's sweet of you, but you can go if you want. I don't want you to regret anything later if you decide to just hang out with me," I told him.

"Kennedy, I don't need to go to any parties. Plus, I have practice with my team at five and after that it's going to be too late to say I'm showing up 'fashionable late'," He said, "I don't need to go."

"Okay," I said before zoning out into my own little world. For some reason the last few days, I had felt like a burden on Wyatt. I knew it was mainly just my hormones acting up, but I felt bad that he was missing so many high school experiences to hang out with me, even if he chose to hang out with me. His solidification that he'd rather be with me made me feel a little bit better, but still didn't push my worries completely out of my mind.

"I'll grab your bag," Wyatt stated, pulling me out if my thoughts. We were now parked at the school and Wyatt had already hopped out. I followed suit and intertwined our fingers before we headed into the school together. Wyatt and I had every class together today, since we're in our last three hours together. I think that eased his mind a little bit, knowing that he was in the same room as me if anything were to happen, I was honestly kinda relieved about it too because somehow it was our luck that I would get pregnant at the perfect time so my due date basically lined up with final exams.

The bell rang and our fourth hour teacher handed out the exam, so we would have the full hour to work on it. I felt a braxton hicks contraction come on, so I paused for ten seconds before going back to what I was working on. I tried to act like nothing was happening so I wouldn't worry Wyatt because I knew they were not real labor contractions. One came again towards the end of the test as I was trying to determine the derivative of a function, but it went away and I finished the rest of my exam in peace.

"Kennedy, do not even try to tell me you were okay during that exam," Wyatt warned me as we headed to the next exam.

"Wyatt they were just Braxton Hicks, I'm fine, baby's fine, we'll make it through the next two hours," I promised him, taking his hands in mine.

Wyatt looked like he was about to say something else when Arden came up to us.

"Hey guys! How are you?" She asked, giving me a hug.

"I'm good A," I smiled.

"Not if you're going into labor," Wyatt mumbled.

I turned back to him, "Wy, I am not going into labor. My water has not broken and baby boy is still cooking in the oven, we're fine."

"Don't worry too much Wyatt. You'll drive yourself crazy," Arden told him as she rubbed his shoulder before she headed off to her next exam.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

I grabbed his hand and we started walking towards our next hour, "Yes, I'm okay."

I heard him let out a sigh that was very audible before we entered out classroom. Our next exam was a presentation, so every group went up and presented when it was their turn. When it came time for my group, I could feel Wyatt's eyes on me the whole time. As much as I tried to tell him that everything was fine, I knew he would not let up until we were back at my house with my belly still in tact. Same went for when it was his groups turn to present, he kept glancing in my direction the whole time he was on front of the classroom. I felt a false contraction coming on during his presentation and I had to fight the urge to put my hand on my stomach because I knew he would assume something was up if I did that and he would ruin his whole presentation. So, I focused on centering my breathing and paying attention to the presentation because those helped me take my mind of the short pinching pain.

Finally, that class was over and we headed to our last class. We had already taken the exam in our last class, so we got to hang out the whole hour. I think Wyatt appreciated being able to talk to me and hear that I was alright throughout the whole hour since he seemed to be on the verge of becoming a nervous wreck. The whole hour I got, "are you okay?" And "are you sure you're okay?". And everytime I told him that I was okay.

I swear I had never felt such a relief when we walked out of the school at the end of the day. We had made it through the day with no water breaking and no nervous breakdown from Wyatt.

"See, I told you! Everything is still intact and nothing has changed since the beginning of the day," I told Wyatt as we got to his car.

"Ken, you know I'm going to be worried every single day from now until you give birth," Wyatt chuckled.

"I promised you before and I will promise you again Wy, I will let you know as soon as I think I'm going into labor," I promised him, "but today is not that day."


I bet all of you thought she was going to go into labor. Nope! She is very much still pregnant. Thank you all so much for reading this story!! Love you!!

xx - Sidney

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