• C H A P T E R 5 •

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They both shouted in unison. They were still slightly coughing. After everything was under control, the conversation started again.

"Mom, seriously? why?" Aera whined

Apparently, the couple had said that their two children will start living together. This was done so that they will get to know each other. And yet again Aera and Taehyung were not okay with it

"Aera, stop whining, we both did decided this so that you two should learn how to be independent."

Aera knew she couldn't do anything about it so she kept her mouth shut. Well, Taehyung kept rolling his eyes and was eating quietly.

"You two will move into your new house tomorrow," Mr. Kim said exploding a bomb at them.

Again, they both choked but not so badly as earlier. And this time Taehyung was the one who opposed.

"But dad, I don't want to --", He was cut off.

"You'll son, end of discussion", His father stated in a stern tone, clearly telling him that no one will open their mouth on this topic.

Soon the dinner was over in pure silence. Both Aera and Taehyung were annoyed. Their parents exchanged some words and drove home with their respective children.

Aera's POV

"Why mom?"

"What why?"

"Why do you want me to live with that jerk?"

"Aera, he will be your step-brother soon and you should respect him"

"Mom, I can't believe you, he is the Kingka of my school and besides that, he is a massive playboy and I'll have to put this disguise on, 24/7." I groaned

"He seems to be a nice guy. I can say you two will become great siblings", Mom said, clearly avoiding the Playboy fact.

I sighed. I can't change my mom's decision. Once she had made her mind, no one can change it.

We reached home. I went to my room and took a shower and laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I didn't want to sleep as I had a match at 10 pm tonight. Lying, I gave my life a look.

Park Aera, 20 years old. Disguised as a nerd. An underground fighter and will soon become the heir of "The Parks" company. Mom marrying Mr. Kim, his son turned out to be Kim Taehyung, the playboy. Have to move in with him tomorrow. I have to manage the gang--

I was interrupted when my alarm blared odd signaling, I have 30 minutes left for the fight. I got up and changed. I made my hair in two fish braids and headed downstairs.

"Mom! I'm going, I have a match!" I shouted to her on the way

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"Mom! I'm going, I have a match!" I shouted to her on the way.

"Okay! All the best and be safe dear!" She shouted back. My mom had supported me in everything. I took my black motorbike and zoomed off to the arena.

 I took my black motorbike and zoomed off to the arena

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I reached the arena, and it was lit with people cheering and shouting. I went to the green room and prepared myself. Just then, my coach walked in

"Aera, your fight is in 10 minutes. Get ready and be the unbeatable Ace"

"Sure coach, I'll not disappoint you"

I reached the boxing ring a few seconds before my fight and waited.

Author's POV

"You want to see the best fighter of this arena? You want to see her?" The crowd went wild went the announcer started shouting.

The crowd started to roar upon knowing who's fight was coming next.

"On the right, we have the unbeatable Ace"

Aera entered the ring and the crowd went wild again.

"And on the other side, we have the Bulldog" (Lol, sorry for that name)

The other person was buffed up compared to Aera and was shouting. The crowd looked at him. He snatched the mic and started to shout again

"A girl?! Seriously? Now look how I need her to a pulp"

Aera rolled her eyes and smirked. 'Boii you'll get that hard'

The fight began. She was waiting for that ass to attack her first and he did. She doughed it. And when he was still back facing her, she punched him right on the back of his head, catching him off guard. That was her chance. She threw long-range punches and did an uppercut. But he was still on his feet. Aera had to knock him out. She did a couple of counter punches and there, he was lying on the floor breathing hard. Aera straddled him and threw continuous punches, he was knock out.

"Never underestimate a girl, you asshole" Aera spat at him.

"And the winner is Ace"

The referee took her hand and raised it indicating that she won. The crowd roared again and she had a small smile on her face which soon faded seeing a particular person staring at her, right at her face.

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