• C H A P T E R 31•

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Few days have passed since my disguise was ruined. It was good as well a good thing. Good because I don't have to worry about my nerd look slipping off and bad because of the fans that kept troubling me. Not physically but my locker is always, I mean always full of letters, chocolates, flowers, etc. I love my fans but they should respect one's privacy.

Today was Saturday and so we all decided to hit the club. It's been years since Rose and I had crashed at a club. Last time, it was the day before, when we both left L.A.

Getting ready in tight black jeans, a red crop top saying 'fuck you' with a black leather jacket over it. Wearing the red boots which matched with my hair color that was left open with its natural waves. Applying Red lipstick, a little bit of foundation, and smokey eyes, I descended the stairs.

"Aera!!!! Girl look at you! Damn you're looking smoking hot" Rose jumped on me as soon as I reached the living area.

Rose was wearing a red wine dress, black boots. Her makeup consisted of red lipstick, I guess foundation, and some Smokey eyes like mine. She let her hair down, as it stayed put to the back.

"GUYS!! Let's go! I can't wait to hit the club" Rose started to yell, telling all the boys to get ready to leave.


Not so long after, we entered the club. The loud music, as well as the Smell of alcohol, sweat, and sex, hit us as we entered. Gosh, I missed this feeling. Jin had already booked a VIP area for us which was not so far from the dance floor.

"What would you guys like to drink?" Jimin asked as soon as plopped down on the sofas.

"Vodka shots for all" Jungkook said to the waiter after getting some agreements from us.

The shots were served. One by one Rose and I gulped down the shots along with the boys. We two had high alcohol tolerance so we wouldn't get that drunk easily like the boys who were already under the influence of the shots and dancing on the dance floor. These guys sure have a wild side, judging by how they were grinding with some random girls on the floor.

All except Taehyung who was busy on his phone.

"Aera wanna dance?" Rose asked as she took a look at the dance floor

"Hell yeah! Let's take the dance floor with a girl baby!!" She yelled as she dragged me.

We laughed and joined the rest. The music was at its full blasting mode and our brains were highly consumed by it.

"Aera do this" Rose shouted at me as she swayed her hips side to side sexily.

I grinned and I followed her. Our sexy session was on full blow was I suddenly fell some hands on my waist, pulling me towards it. Judging by its hands, I already knew it was a boy. And I didn't like the stun that he pulled right now.

"You're so hot. I want to do so many bad things to you. And by the way, the name's Mark"

Well, I was disgusted. I turned around to face him. And boy, I'm sure he's a fuck boy.

"Sorry to say, but I'm not interested"

"Interested or not, I'll have you tonight," he said as he pulled me closer, literally gluing my body to his.

"Well you asked for it" I smirked

I raised my knee and shoved it between his tighs where the sun can never shine. His grip on me immediately loosened and that was my chance. I pulled away as I landed a Punch on his not so gorgeous face, resulting in him taking a few steps back.


The music stopped. The people who were so engaged in their own activities stopped. All eyes were on them now. Aera was shooting daggers with her eyes at Mark and Mark was burning with anger, feeling embarrassed as a girl just hit him

"You, how dare you. I'll not leave you alive" Mark barked

"We'll see Little Markie"

The people firmed a circle around the duo. The people instead of stopping were enjoying the live match that they were going to witness. Some people were cheering Aera's name and some Mark's. He charged towards her with a punch but Aera swiftly douched it. She caught the back of his neck and pushed him resulting in crashing into a nearby table.

But he wasn't giving up. He got up and attempted to kick her along with a punch but no use. She caught his fist mid-way and snapped his arm backward hearing a crack, which gave satisfaction to her. As she was going to launch a punch at him again, the security guards arrived stopping the fight.

She handed him to the guards.

"Make sure, he doesn't enter this club ever again" she ordered. The guards knew who she was and simply nodded. She turned back to the people," and you all, think that nothing happened. You all go back to your enjoyments". The music started again and the people soon got engaged with themselves again.

As she was going back to their VIP area, she caught a face that looked oddly familiar to her. The person was looking at her but quickly moved away as she caught him staring.

"Rose, gather the boys, we're leaving, now," Aera said.


As the morning came as per as facts, the bits woke up with loud grunts and pounding heads. Jimin, Jungkook, and Suga were plopped on the sofa whereas the others were lying on the carpet of the living and started to stir as well

"Ow, fuck, I think my head's gonna fucking burst" Suga cursed as she held his head with his hands

The others slowly stood, muttering the same sentences as Suga.

"You guys are finally awake" The two girls came out of the kitchen holding a tray of lemonades and handed them to was their hangover. They thanked the girls, gulping down the contains in the glass.

"Now go and freshen up. You all stink heavily and I ain't joking" Rose said as she took the glasses back

They agreed as they realized they really Smell bad. They slowly got up grunting and left for their rooms whereas Taehyung came down, fully freshened up with his phone in his hands.

He plopped down across Aera who was watching TV.

"Taehyung, listen, what happened at the club yesterday, don't tell them. Okay?"

It was the first time that Aera talked to Taehyung after the drama. Taehyung who was literally on cloud nine hearing her talk to him though it was only one sentence, soon snapped out.

"Yeah ok"

And with them he went back, playing his game as he stole small glances of her


Aera and Rose were too lazy to make breakfast, so they ordered pizza. It arrived as soon as the rest of the boys came down, fully freshened up. All were eating and savoring the pizza when the doorbell suddenly rang. And Jungkook volunteered to open the door.

"Does Aera lives here?" The man at the door asked in English as Jungkook opened the door. Aera knew that voice and the ascent.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked narrowing his eyes at him

"Well, I have come to meet her. I have to tell her something and I can't tell you what"

Jungkook huffed and shouted," Aera someone is here to meet you"

"Send him in" the girl shouted back.

Rose looked at Aera who simply winked at her in response

Footsteps were heard. She turned to look at the person. And she was right, it was Justin Smith.


And hello I'm back!! Sorry to keep you waiting. And I have a request to all of you, and it is that you'll take care of yourself and your family, friends, etc. The Coronavirus had become a major issue now. So I don't want anyone to get infected by it. So please do take care and be safe.


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