• C H A P T E R 10 •

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Opening the door of the detention room we took our respective seats. We had 2 hours of detention.

"I know you guys won't follow what I say so do whatever you want but just be quiet" the teacher spoke full of tiredness.

He was right. We are the trouble makers of the school. We don't follow anyone nor their rules. We create our own rules and everyone had to abide by them.

The room's door opened and came in non-other than my cute dongsa, Jungkook

"You have detention?" I raised my eyebrows at him

"Hah! Keep dreaming tae-hyung. I am a scholar. I ain't getting into any detention. I just came in as I didn't want to stay outside in the corridor" Kookie said while taking a seat behind me.

"Guys, I feel like Aera is a bit familiar, I mean I'm sure I have seen her somewhere, but I can't remember where?" Jimin Hyung decided to break the silence

"Yeah me too" Yoongi Hyung spoke up causing others to Flinch at his sudden voice

"You guys think that too? When I looked at her face she was awfully familiar. I had this thought many a time" I decided to speak

"Yup. And btw Tae, you were looking at Aera's face huh?" Jimin Hyung said while a smirk plastered on his lips

"Ow shut up" I rolled my eyes at him

"Hey, Respect your Hyung"

"I ain't respecting a jamless person"

"You unrespectful kid, let me show you how to respect a person older than you" Jimin Hyung got up was advancing towards me when Jin Hyung interrupt

"You two, keep your mouth zipped up before I do it myself"

Ok, we don't want to get our mama Hyung mad.

The other guys started joking around and here and there flew some Jin Hyung's dad jokes, to which anyone hardly laughs.

Time flew away in a jiffy. Detention was over and I had to ask the guys to drop me off.

"Jin Hyung can you drop me off at my home"

"Where is your car? I'm sure you brought it to school"

"I have the keys to Aera. She drove back with it"

"Okay, this is the last time"

"Yayy!! Thank you, Hyung"

I quickly got in the car and the others followed by. Okay, I guess no one brought their own car except me.

I gave the directions, some right turns and some left. Finally, we reached. Getting down from the car, the other's faces were due to look for, mouths agape making them look like fishes.

"Guys, down to earth"

"Woah, this mansion is huge Hyung," Jungkook said eyes shinning like a small kid who got his favorite toy after a lot of begging.

"Yeah, our parents bought it so that we can live together. Now come on "

Again, the same thing happened upon entering. Seriously these guys.

They made themselves comfortable while I looked for Aera. Must be in her room. I climbed up the stairs while shouting her name.



I heard my name being called- no shouted. Shit Taehyung. I quickly jumped up from my bed and wore my wig. Just then the door opened revealing the brat

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