• C H A P T E R 35 •

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"you all know being a boxer is a tough profession. Hope you get the idea. Now come on let's get some rest and later you can have dinner. I'm not hungry. So eat without me"

They all nodded and without any further questions went to their rooms. Rose was with Aera.

"We won't be able to keep it for a long time from them" Rose said after the boys went.

"I know. They will come to know but not now. Let's head into the house"

The two girls went to their respective rooms. Aera closed the door of her room and immediately called Justin

"Yes boss" His jolly tune could be heard from the other side

"Cut the crap. Now tell me if you have got any information about that gang"

"Not any important news yet, but we have noticed that these guys have a gang tattoo under their ear and they call themselves blood Kings"

"Some people of his gang chased us today. And somehow I got lost them. We have to be fast. I'm sure they have seen the boys. They might hurt them in order to get to me"

"Tomorrow, after you all go to school, I will install a security system in your house. And I've already hacked the school system and have made the schedule parallel to your schedules for the new guys who will join the group"

"How many?"

"Total 7 of them. Six of them will be students which will attend classes the same as you only except the music class. And one of them as a music teacher"

"Music Teacher? Seriously Justin?"

"Hey! He was too stubborn to be a student. So teacher it is"

"Okay. Got it. I should hang up. I'm tired. Bye"

"Bye Ariel"

She rolled her eyes at that name. She was too tired to talk back. So she quickly freshened up and jumped on her bed.

Good night to the world



"What the fuck"

I jerked up from my bed as heard someone scream. I looked around. Nothing. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, 1 hour left for school. Might as well get ready. I dragged my legs out of the bed but instead of touching the hard cold floor, my feet landed on something warm hard yet soft.

"Ow" I heard a groan

I looked down and immediately jumped away. There lay Suga, who was holding his stomach with a pained expression on his face.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned, although I knew what had happened

"You fucking kicked me when I was trying to wake you up and now you just stepped on the same spot", he slowly got up and continued, "and you are asking what happened?!"

"Hehe sorry Suga. I got to go" I let out an awkward laugh and dashed to the bathroom. It's hard to agree but mad Suga was literally a scary view

I quickly washed up and wrapped a towel around me. And I just realized that I forgot to bring my clothes

"Damn you yoongi"

I opened the bathroom door and peeped if anyone was in my room. Seeing nobody I quickly got out trying not to sleep. I had taken only a few steps when the door opened.

I froze. He looked at me wide-eyed. My face turned red as well as his.

"What the hell Taehyung?!"

"Uh-uh, J-JinHyung...Hyungiscallingyouforbreakfast" he said in one go and slammed the door shut.


Aera stood not able to comprehend what he said. His heart started beating in an uneasy phase. She remembered how he looked at her just a few seconds ago. And Taehyung? He was still outside her room, leaning on the wall trying to calm his heart down. They had only one question in their mind

"What are you doing to me?"

 DISGUISED GIRL || KTH ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum