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Resting her chin against the table, Alassëa sat and watched as Sigrid took to making dinner. Tilda did try and help only to get shooed away, in the end the youngest girl took to sitting next to her. And much like herself she look to leaning her chin on the table watching her sister. Much like earlier it was just the three of them, Bain was in the house but he was elsewhere, Bard had left to go and retrieve Eryn. He was rather sure that she should be alerted to Alassëa's awakening.

When the door jolted open, Alassëa flinched and sat bolt upright. Though the sudden action caused her to wince. Her wincing stopped though when her face was suddenly grasped onto gently and her face was turned each which way. "My, my," the kind elderly voice spoke while letting her go. When the woman stood back, Alassëa sat and looked at the grey haired woman before her. "Truly you have luck on your side."

"I don't feel too lucky."

"Hah!" The old woman laughed and got odd looks sent her way. "I should think not!"

"Confused, in one word is how I feel." Alassëa said lowly while glancing at her hands.

The woman sighed and placed a gentle hand against her shoulder. "Your name?"

"She's called Alassëa!" Tilda beamed and peered around her to look at the Healer.

"Oh, Alassëa, it's good to meet you. I'm Eryn."

Tilting her head to the side Alassëa smiled. "Thank you."


"I just had a feeling you were going to say something which I needed to thank you for."

"Well I did help bring you back to reality, so you can thank me for that." Eryn said with a youthful tone which didn't match her elderly form. Alassëa smiled. She was an odd lady, that she could admit. But there was something rather endearing about Eryn which Alassëa found comforting. "How long have you been awake?"

"An hour?" Alassëa said confused while casting a look to Sigrid, she nodded confirming her words.

"Not exerting yourself?"

"If you call rushing out of bed only to end up fainting exerting, then no." Alassëa snorted quietly and rolled her eyes.

Eryn looked at her seriously then. "Hands," Alassëa did as she was asked and watched as Eryn carefully peered underneath the bandages to check that all was still well. "Do you know where you are?"

Alassëa frowned. "Somewhere near water, evidently."

Eryn cast a look to Bard, she honestly thought he'd have filled in some details for her. "Do you remember anything?"


"Apart from her name," Tilda chimed in again with a nod.

Alassëa looked at her and then at Eryn. "Which is so useful." She commented sarcastically.

"Well we couldn't go around calling you, 'you' and 'her' and 'she', could we?" Bain plainly commented while rolling his eyes and sitting down suddenly at the table. He had heard Eryn arrive and saw fit to come and join in with the gathering which was happening.

"Or find another name for you," Sigrid said with a smile while turning away from the stove. She wiped her hands on a piece of cloth and looked to her.

"How are you at naming things?" Alassëa looked to Tilda who looked suddenly thoughtful. "In that case I am grateful I remember my name." She looked back at Eryn. Seeing as how Tilda had struggled to think of an answer, Alassëa only dreaded to think of what options she'd send her way if she truly forgot everything, name included.

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