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The fighting that seemed to be never ending, did in fact eventually peter out and draw to a close. Though seemingly finished and ended with, it had come at a great cost. The loss of life far staggered the numbers which everyone seemed to have in mind. Sure no one was ignorant to some perishing, but the numbers scattered in the streets and other places within the city, were far exceeding expectations. Nearly half of those laying lifeless didn't stand a chance, most were without any form of a weapon and clearly in the process of fleeing as they were cut down. Most were women and children above all else.

The loss in Dale was shared amongst others who had taken part in the battle. Thranduil's numbers had been minutely slimmed down. Though great numbers of slightly weary looking elves still paced about the city, there was not as many as there once was. As for the dwarves, Dain's army was already outmatched when he arrived by the vast elven army, let alone the army which Azog had bought with him. But even his valiant soldiers were not as many as they once were. The dwarves on a whole had lost far more than anyone else. It wasn't until there was a moment of calm that it became apparent that not only had Thorin died from wounds sustained from his fight with Azog, but both Fíli and Kíli had perished too.

"They're not gone as long as you remember them."

Bilbo had been seated to one side silently contemplating everything. Most had moved down to Dale, Erebor wasn't exactly fit for inhabitants right now. And despite of everything, Dain seemed to wish to pay respects to those who died to try and protect the city. Not only that, to begin again, he had to start off on a good foot with its apparent leader.

Alassëa sat herself down beside him. "You know that, right?" She was the one who had pulled him from his thoughts. Bilbo looked at her hollowly, Alassëa smiled sadly, reaching up she placed a hand on his shoulder. "It hurts, I know. But...within time, you will not feel such hurt. You will feel pride, happiness..." Alassëa zoned out slightly and shook her head. "They'll remain your friends, even through to the next life." She removed her hand and placed it in her lap.

"You believe that?" He asked her curiously. He rubbed grime from his face and turned to look at her fully. They were perhaps the only two people who sat idle in the city. Everyone else was rushing about doing something. Bilbo sat on a broken wall, it was not tall enough that he would have to clamber to sit atop it, which is why he decided to sit there in silence. He honestly didn't think anyone would notice him.

Alassëa sighed and nodded slowly. She leaned her arms against her knees and looked around. With a frown, she tilted her head and looked to him. "Got to believe in something, right?"

"If you don't mind me saying..." Bilbo trailed off and looked thoughtful, Alassëa raised an eyebrow at him.

"Not all of my family have sailed off. I may not be able to meet my father again, but I strongly believe I will see my mother when my time has come." Alassëa said quietly, Bilbo let out a quiet acknowledging noise at this and nodded his head. "I am sorry for your loss though, Master Baggins."

"As I am sorry for yours," Alassëa looked confused, Bilbo nodded and gestured around them. With a slow nod she sat up straight. She hadn't personally lost anything or anyone. But she had grown accustomed to the people she had loosely bonded with.

"What will you do now?"

"Go home, I suppose." Bilbo mused, he frowned slowly. The thought of going home didn't seem as exciting as it once did. He felt himself sadden over it, he wished he was returning home on better terms.

"Not straight away you're not." Alassëa said while crossing her arms. She winced slightly from moving too quickly. She really needed to get her shoulder seen to. Bilbo looked at her with confusion. "You've been in a battle, you've lost friends, you need rest. Rest, food, drink, and to say farewell properly. Trust me, I'm speaking from some experience." Alassëa smiled stiffly while looking forwards, Bilbo slowly followed her gaze and watched as Gandalf drew near.

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