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It just so happened though that sleep was not finding her straight away. Upon entering the house Alassëa was gently placed on solid ground again, before she could really get her bearings she was rather promptly embraced around the waist. Placing a hand on Tilda's head she smiled down at the girl when she glanced up at her.

"Are you all right?" Alassëa managed to get herself free from her arms, holding onto her hand she led her back into the main room. Stopping close to the fire, which was burning lowly in the hearth, Alassëa knelt down in front of her. "Do not look so fearful, Tilda. Everything should calm down now."

"No more fighting?" She asked quietly while looking expectedly to her.

Alassëa tilted her head to the side and frowned lightly. Could she honestly guarantee such a thing? No, for all they knew scouts of the enemy were still lurking close by. Waiting for them all to lower their guard. "No more fighting," Bard reached out and placed his hand on her head. She looked up at her father and seemed instantly at ease. A smile appeared on her face as she quickly turned and embraced him before sitting next to Bain. He looked between the two of them, he for one seemed sceptical on the prospect of peace. Even though all seemed to lull to a stop, he was still feeling some tension. All the adrenaline used to fight was still certainly running through him, which made relaxing hard to do.

With a sigh, Alassëa stood and straightened her tunic out. She frowned lightly, she wished to say something though really she was at a loss. Smiling she bid them all good night before turning and walking up the stairs. Rubbing her eyes she turned into the room and set to lighting the fire. Kneeling down in front of it, she shut her eyes and inhaled deeply. Letting out a slow breath she tensed and looked down at her shoulder. She avoided getting someone to look at it. There were others who were worse off than herself. Their need was far greater than hers. Whatever was wrong with her shoulder she could surely sort out herself.

So with that in mind she reached up and started to undo the laces on the tunic. Pulling the cord from the holes she threw it to one side before stiffly pulling the piece of clothing up and off of herself. Naturally she gave a sudden shudder from losing a layer, she turned the tunic over in her hands. Scrutinising the bloody dirty top she threw that to one side too. If there was a wound on her shoulder, having that against it surely wasn't doing her any favours.

Straightening up, she tentatively and unwillingly looked to the side. She let out a breathless sigh, the harsh purple almost black bruise took up most of her shoulder. It crept behind herself and even down some of her arm, thankfully it hadn't quite made its way to her neck. Though a part of it was spreading across her collarbone. In the firelight she could see there was no wound though, thankfully, just a bruise which would clearly take weeks, if not months to fully heal. Frowning she reached up and hesitantly placed her fingers against the skin. Wincing, she pressed in different parts, which really only made her wince more. She couldn't feel anything broken, or out of place. Which made her let out a relieved sigh.

Happy, or at least content that her shoulder wasn't as bad as she initially thought, she looked to her vest. It was only a thin piece of material and didn't give much warmth, or protection, regardless she lifted it up and looked down at herself. There were no injuries on her stomach, or ribs, not that she expected any. It was better to be safe and check though.

Reaching down she tugged her boots off, after them she stood and removed her trousers. They were in an equally awful state as her tunic. Stained with blood which wasn't hers, and mud. Frowning and holding it between her finger and thumb she dumped it to one side. She would need to find some new clothes. Even if they were washed she doubted all the stains would be removed.

Looking down at her legs, she awkwardly smiled. No injuries there either. All in all, apart from her shoulder, she seemed to have faired quite well from this battle. She had just finished assessing herself with a content smile when her head snapped upwards from a creaking sound. Frowning she stepped forwards, past the throws and furs which made up the makeshift bed. Her guard naturally dropped however when Bard peered around the door, Alassëa reached down and pulled a blanket up off of the ground and threw it around her shoulders.

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