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The Great Hall sat with stagnant lighting and silence enveloping in the air. No one seemed to find the right words to use. All that could be heard were the lapping of flames from the torches hanging nearby, and the clashing outside beyond the thick doors. There was one constant slicing sound which stemmed from Alassëa. She had found a suitable stone to see to sharpening her sword. It had had the troubling task of piercing orcish armour, and despite looking rather rubbish and hurriedly created, it was actually made of stronger stuff than it seemed. It was very misleading.

With a heavy sigh, she looked around at those gathered. They all looked as frightened as the other being next to them. Children sat huddled into their mothers, clinging onto their clothes desperately. Inhaling deeply, Alassëa paused in mid-motion, children shouldn't be subjected to such things. The world beyond the Great Hall's doors won't be the same as the one they walked through this morning.

With a shudder, she winced when her shoulder tweaked slightly, she must have hurt it at some point. She wouldn't be able to pin down when. She had fought before getting to the Great Hall, and even when trying to get here she still fought. Naturally upon seeing fleeing figures some orcs had chased after them. Many had fallen to their crude blades. But many more had made it within the great stone structure.

And now, well, those who survived thus far were now gathered in near darkness banded together with forlorn expressions on their faces. She didn't wish to voice anything, but it was pathetic. Never once had hiding away from a fight ever crossed her mind. Every fight that had crossed her path she had encountered head on. Backing down was something which she didn't seem quite adept to.

Noticing someone suddenly sit beside her, she looked to Bain. He was looking over his sword. Alfrid had promptly thrown it back into his hands when Bard had turned and returned to fighting. Of course Alfrid wouldn't keep hold of a weapon, perish the thought of him even using it. "Here," Alassëa reached out and placed the stone in his hand. Lightly holding onto his hand she motioned him to move. Looking at him and smiling lightly she nodded and removed her hand when she was happy he'd picked up how to care for his own weapon.

"This is stupid." Alassëa whispered and leaned her sword against her legs. Bain stopped and looked at her curiously. "Don't look at me like that, I know you feel the same way." She smirked and watched as Sigrid and Tilda sat down by his side. "Why should we seek shelter and hide away awaiting possible death? The death we may find out there will not be any kinder than the one which may find us in here. Because we are young, and female, doesn't mean we have to sit in the dark and wait to possibly die." Alassëa stood up and whipped her sword to the side. "I refuse. Sorry, I point blank refuse. Staying here is like giving up. And I really am not one for giving up so easily."

"Say, you could be onto something there..." Alassëa turned around, she hadn't realised the majority of people had been listening to her. She was just talking to the children, not the whole hall. Yet the whole hall seemed to be listening alongside the children.

"It's dangerous." Alassëa raised an eyebrow and shifted weight from one leg to the other.

The woman scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. "Yet it's fine for just you to go sauntering outta here and join the fighting just 'cause you have some skill? I think not, lass."

Alassëa held her hands up and backed down. "Fine..." Alassëa trailed off with a smirk. "And also, I wouldn't saunter. I'd run, really fast." This caused the woman to laugh loudly. It was strange to hear laughter at such a time. Feeling a tug on her sleeve she looked to Tilda, kneeling down she looked up at her. "You wish to find your father, do you not?"

"Of course." Tilda replied yet cast a look to Sigrid.

"You don't agree with going out there do you?" Alassëa set her gaze on the older of the two girls. Sigrid mused for a moment before shrugging. Alassëa looked at her quizzically, "You are fine with this?"

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