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With daybreak came the promise of sun; the last few days had been so bleak, cold, and dark. Snow had continued to fall but seemed to finally cease now with this new day. There were still mounds of it laying around town, but for the most part it had turned to slush and people had taken to brushing it into the dark waters surrounding the town. Walking down the stairs Bard, turned into the kitchen and faltered slightly. Alassëa stood blissfully unaware to him being there yet. She stood head tilted slightly to the side, her hair was intricately braided and away from her face. The slight point of her ears stuck up through the amber locks, if it weren't for this little link to her elven side, at this moment she looked like everyone else. Of course though as soon as he caught sight of her eyes, her mortal side was quickly overlooked.

"Hello," Alassëa smiled and looked to him while placing her hands on the counter. "You just going to stand there?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow while finishing making breakfast. It was still early morning and she hadn't expected anyone else to be up. Rolling the cream coloured sleeves of her tunic dress up, she leaned back and looked over her shoulder when hands carefully appeared on her waist. He hadn't realised that he had just been standing staring in her direction. So, once she turned back to sorting out something for breakfast he quietly walked over to her. Alassëa reached down and placed one hand over his while slowly turning and looking up at him. "Good morning," she thought they best try and start the morning off with some normality.

"Morning," was the quiet reply while he softly kissed her on the forehead and moved to the side to allow her to sit at the table. Alassëa gently patted him on the arm as she passed and sat down. Straightening out her sleeves, she watched as he simply took to finding something for breakfast too.

Turning, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Hello." He decided to copy her from earlier on when she had caught him watching her.

"Hello," she replied lightly while taking to eating. Looking to the side as he sat beside her, she simply smiled. This was perhaps the most content silent breakfast the two had had in a while. Most times there was loads of noise thanks to the children.

"You don't need to go out of the town today, do you?"

"Hm? No, no thankfully, why?" Alassëa answered while standing and walking to the sink. She washed her things up and put them to the side to dry. Turning, she leaned her hands on the counter in front of her and looked to him. "Oh, you've got to go out of the town, hm? Wanted some company on this otherwise tedious boring trip?" Alassëa asked with a shrug and a smile.

"I know what you are like when it comes to venturing out." Bard replied while standing and doing the same task she did moments ago. She looked up at him and shook her head slowly. She found it mildly amusing that someone had picked up on one of her main likes already. She couldn't deny it, she liked nothing more than to walk and explore. "We never completed your archery lesson," he said with a smirk, Alassëa rolled her eyes and playfully nudged him on the shoulder. This caused him to let out a quiet laugh and look down at her.

"Maybe another time, hm?" Smiling still she moved around him and walked to her room.

"Later perhaps depending on what time we both finish." He looked around the corner as she came out pulling on a coat. It was much warmer looking then the flimsy cloak she had been using, and the one that she had been found in. Gesturing a hand to her, she looked at him confused yet moved over to stand in front of him.

"It gets dark early. Unless you wish me to shoot you accidentally in the leg, then I feel obliged to decline your offer, Bard." Alassëa said and let out a whine when he pulled the hood of her coat up. It was perhaps a little too big for her and shielded her eyes from everything. The only things which could be seen where her nose and mouth.

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