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(Your POV)

The bar is very dark, the only light coming from the spotlights facing the tiny stage and neon signs hanging on the walls. The overpowering scent of beer and strong liquor fills the room and the floor is sticky beneath my shoes. All around, people are buzzing with anticipation for the bar's most popular event: karaoke.

My boyfriend Timothée and I come to this bar every Friday night with my best friend, Y/B/F, and her boyfriend. Each week Timothée tries to get me to do karaoke with him, but I turn him down every time. I know you don't have to be good at singing to do karaoke, but I get nervous thinking about singing in front of a room packed with people. His begging is no different this week.

"Pleeease Y/N! Just this once. I wanna do a karaoke duet with you so bad!" Timothée begs as the sign-up list is put up on the wall.

"I don't know, Timothée. What if everyone laughs at me?"

"Who cares! Everyone here is a terrible singer and they're all drunk anyways. No one will even remember tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, come on Y/N. It'll be fun!" Y/N pitches in.

"I'll think about it..." I say. As nervous as I am, I know Timothée really wants to sing with me and I feel bad turning him down every time.

"Final call for karaoke sign ups!" calls a man with a booming voice. Timothée turns to me with pleading eyes and I nod my head.

"Really?! You'll do it?!" Timothée says giddily.

"Yes. But only if you pick a good song."

Timothée leaps from his seat and runs to the sign-up board to put our names at the end of the list. What have I gotten myself into? When Timothée returns, he has a smirk on his face.

"What? Why do you look like that?" I ask him nervously.

"Oh no reason..."

"Tell me!"

"It's just the song I picked. You'll love it."

"Well what song is it?"

"Just wait and see. It's better as a surprise."

I cross my arms and huff, knowing that no matter how much a interrogate him, Timothée will never give me a straight answer.

The first person goes up and sings "Sweet Home Alabama". He's pretty terrible and I have to take a shot of vodka just to get through it. As more people go up to perform their songs, I down more alcohol. I don't want to remember tonight because I know my singing voice is going to be horrific.

Before I know it, the emcee is calling for Timothée and I to come up to the small stage. The crowd cheers and I take a final shot of liquor before walking hand in hand with Timothée to the stage. There's know backing out now.

"I still don't know what song it is," I remind Timothée as we adjust the microphones.

"I know. But you'll recognize it immediately. Trust me."

When the music starts playing, I recognize the song immediately. It's Elton John's "Don't Go Breaking My Heart". I nearly burst out laughing when I hear the opening key because this is the song Timothée and I sing together in the car all the time. It's our special song and he chose it for our karaoke. How sweet that he picked the song I'm probably most comfortable with. A/N the song is at the top for u to listen to ;)

Timothée looks me dead in the eye and sings the first line:

"Don't go breaking my heart."

"I couldn't if I tried," I continue, trying not to laugh in the middle of the sentence.

"Honey if I get restless."

"Baby you're not that kind."

Timothée and I proceed to belt out the entire rest of the song. We get so into it that we tune out the whooping and cheering from the crowd and act as if we're the only two people there. I don't know if it's the alcohol or me just getting into the heat of the moment, but I start dancing on stage and Timothée soon does the same. The two of us must look like complete buffoons, dancing terribly and singing way out of key, but neither of us seem to care. Timothée and I are in our own little world, a world where it's just the two of us.

As the song ends, I look out into the crowd and see Y/B/F and her boyfriend laughing hysterically at us, causing me to burst out laughing too. The rest of the crowd looks at me like I'm insane.

Everyone begins to cheer and Timothée and I bow before walking off the stage and back to our seats.

"See! It wasn't so bad, right?" Timothée says, giving me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head.

"Yeah, I actually had a lot of fun."

"I knew you would. And didn't you like the song I picked?"

"I loved it. Thanks for picking our song."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Timothée leans in and kisses me on the lips. What was supposed to be a quick peck quickly turned into a drunken make out. The two of us are so lost in our own little world that we don't even hear the emcee announce us as the winners of the karaoke night.

"Hey love birds, you won. Get on stage before you suffocate each other," Y/B/F says as she taps me on the shoulder to break me away from Timothée.

Timothée and I quickly rush onto the stage to collect our prize and bask in the glory of a small bar's karaoke crowd.

Turns out I love karaoke.

hi! this one kinda sucks but oh well, lmao. i love karaoke and this is the song my best friend and i always do as a joke lol. it was just natural for me to pick ma boi elton haha

anywho, if you enjoyed, please like, share, and follow! more imagines to come...

much love, lyra <3

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