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(Your POV)

"Are you almost ready?" I ask Y/B/F as I throw a towel over my shoulder.

"Almost! I just have to finish curling my hair."

"Why are you curling your hair? We're going to the pool."

"Oh honey, I don't plan on swimming."

I just roll my eyes and laugh at my best friend's comment. Deciding I'd rather not wait for her in the confines of our hotel room, I open the door to the balcony and sit down at the little table in the corner, breathing in the salty air and admiring the view of waves crashing on the shore. We are in Hawaii for a little girls trip and have been here for a few days, but have yet to spend time lounging poolside.

After a little while, Y/B/F comes out of the bathroom, her hair perfectly curled.

"Ready?" I ask as I come back into the room and grab my bag and towel.


We head out of our hotel room and go to the elevator.

"Do you think we'll see any cute boys at the pool?" Y/B/F asks.

I shrug. "Probably. Hawaii is full of attractive guys. But it's not like any of them will be interested in me anyways."

"Are you kidding? Y/N, you are stunning, and that bathing suit looks amazing on you. Any guy would be stupid to not be attracted to you."

"Yeah, well, we'll see," I say as the elevator door opens into the lobby.

We walk out of the elevator and go straight towards the pool. Opening the door, I'm hit with a wall of hot Hawaiian air, a drastic change from the nice air conditioned lobby.
Y/B/F and I find two lounge chairs right by the pool and set our belongings down, claiming the chairs as ours.

We then head to the pool bar for some drinks. When the bartender finally asks what we want, we order piña coladas and take them back to our lounge chairs.

"I'm hot," I complain after sitting in the sun for a while. "Will you come to the pool with me?"

"I already told you, I'm not swimming. My hair is curled, remember?"

"Well we can sit on the edge and sip our feet in."

"Oh, yeah. Let's go."

Y/B/F and I get up from our chairs and sit along the edge of the deep end of the pool. I sip my piña colada as my legs float in the cool pool water.

Suddenly, I hear someone yell "CANNONBALL!" Before I can react, the cool water splashes all over Y/B/F and I, soaking us and ruining our drinks.

"No. Fucking. Way," Y/B/F says. I look over and see her hair completely ruined. I try my best to be sympathetic, but it's kinda funny, so I can't help but laugh.

The boy who jumped in the pool swims over to us and clings to the edge right beside me.

"I am so sorry," he says, looking very embarrassed. "I didn't realize you were sitting here until it was too late. I feel awful, I didn't mean to soak you."

I try to respond, but I can't. I'm too awe-struck by how attractive he is to even speak. His dark brown hair covers his forehead and he has the sharpest jawline I've ever seen. His eyes, which are wide with embarrassment, are a striking blue-green color.

"Hello? Are you okay?" The boy asks, waving a hand in front of my eyes and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm okay. We're okay," I stutter.

"I'll get you and your friend another drink. I feel bad that I ruined them."

Before I can protest, he is already climbing out of the water.

"He's cute," Y/B/F says as she nudges my shoulder. "And he definitely was checking you out. Go over and talk to him! And find out if he has any cute friends I can talk to."

"I can't talk to him. You saw what just happened, I could barely get two words out."

"You'll be fine. Just go!"

I hand Y/B/F my glass and get up, walking over to the pool bar. I find the cute boy standing in the shade, waiting for his turn.

"Um, hi," I say as I tap him on the shoulder. When he turns around, a charming smile appears on his face and his eyes seem to light up.

"Hi. I'm still waiting, it shouldn't take much longer," he says.

"It's okay. I thought I'd come over and keep you company since you are getting me drinks."

"Well, I'm glad you came over. And I'm really sorry again. I promise I'm not an asshole."

"Trust me, you're forgiven. It felt nice in the heat, anyways. I'm Y/N, by the way.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Timothée. So, what you doing here?"

"Girls trip. My best friend and I are staying here for a week. And what are you doing here?"

"Just vacationing with some of my friends. Their sitting over there," Timothée says as he points to a group of guys sitting at the edge of the pool area.

"Nice. This might sound really weird, but is any of them looking for a girl to hang out with?" I ask. Timothée's face seems to fall when I ask that. "I'm asking for my best friend." When I clarify that, the smile reappears.

"I'm sure they would all be happy to speak with her." I nod, happy that I could find Y/B/F someone.

"So, are you dating anyone?" Timothée asks.

"Nope. Are you?"


I silently cheer in my head. I think this means he likes me! The bartender then comes over to us and Timothée orders three piña coladas.

"Oh, we only had two," I correct Timothée.

"I know. But I was hoping I could talk to you some more over one. If that's okay with you?"

I smile. "That's perfectly okay with me."


hello. this is a super weird imagine and i don't rlly like it but i am too lazy to rewrite it and i spent too long to delete it so here ya go. i promise better imagines will be coming today !!

if you wanna make a request, feel free! just pm me your ideas and i will write it for you!

pls like, share, and follow me for more imagines! thx!

much love, lyra <3

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