miss universe *request*

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thanks Camila @coquitopapi for requesting! hope u enjoy!

(Your POV)

Standing backstage, I feel my hands get clammy as I watch all the other contestants bustle around me. I'm represented the United States in the Miss Universe Pageant, and although I know I deserve to be here after all my hard work, I can't help but feel intimidated by the other beautiful women around me.

Timothée calling my name shakes me out of my thoughts.

"Y/N, listen to me," Timothée says as he puts his hands on my arms. "You are going to kill this thing. You are so fucking amazing and I know you will win this. Just take some deep breaths and relax. You've made it this far, this is just the last step."

I take a few deep breaths and then smile at Timothée. He always knows how to make me feel better about things, which is part of the reason I wanted him to come backstage with me.

"Thank you, Timothée," I say.

"Attention ladies!" an announcer calls through a giant speaker backstage. "We ask that at this time, you say goodbye to your backstage visitors. The competition is about to begin and we would like them to take their seats in front of the stage. You have five minutes."

I look back at Timothée with panic in my eyes. I guess I'm not quite ready, even after his pep talk.

"Listen, babe, you've got this, okay? You can do it. If you get nervous on stage, just look over to me. I'll be front and center cheering you on the whole time," Timothée says.

"Okay, I've got this," I say mostly to myself for reassurance. "I've got this. And I will definitely be looking for you. Thank you for supporting me, I love you."

"I love you too. Knock them dead," Timothée says. He leans in and gives me a deep kiss before hugging me a final time and heading out of the backstage area and to his designated seat.

The competition begins and I do well in every single category. I walk confidently down the runway in my bathing suit (which is pretty sexist but competition rules) and show off my personal style in the evening gown segment.

Now it is time for the final question part of the competition. To be honest, this is the part I am most nervous for. I can walk across the stage and show off clothes because my mind sorta shuts off and I don't have to think about anything except walking. Answering questions isn't quite the same though. I have to think about my answers and give an intellectual response.

"Y/N Y/L/N of the United States of America," the announcer calls.

I smile to the crowd and walk to my place on stage. Feeling the nerves even more as I stand closer to the crowd, my eyes immediately fall to Timothée. Just like he said, he's sitting front and center. He has a huge smile on his face and he's giving me two thumbs up and blowing kisses in my direction. It takes all I can muster not to blow a kiss back to him.

"Ms. Y/L/N," one of the judges begins. "On January 21st, an estimated 4.8 million people marched worldwide for human rights, women's rights and other issues. If you were able to participate, what would you have been marching for?"

I take a moment and ponder my thoughts before delivering a well-thought our answer. I do everything my pageant coach taught me to do: speak clearly, make eye contact, and be animated.

When I finish answering, the crowd begins clapping and cheering loudly. When I look back at Timothée, he is standing up and clapping, yelling my name and hollering so loud. I smile at him and give him a little wink before turning around and taking my place with the other girls.

A little while later, it is time to announce who the official Miss Universe is. It is down to just me and the participant from France. I honestly never expected to make it this far, but with the extra support from Timothée, I realize that I can do anything.

"And the winner of Miss Universe is... Miss United States of America!"

The crowd begins cheering loudly and they all rise to their feet. I am crowned and given a huge bouquet of flowers, but the whole time I have my eyes on Timothée. He has a giant smile spread across his face and he is standing on his seat so he can be higher than everyone else. I can hear him cheering louder than anyone else, and I can't help but laugh at how proud my favorite person in the world is of me.

After the competition is over and we all head backstage, I am congratulated by each of the other women. I take turns speaking to each of them, but the whole time my mind is on Timothée.

When we finally meet again, Timothée lifts me up and spins me around, burying his face into my neck and giving me kisses everywhere.

"Congratulations! I am so proud of you baby!" Timothée says before he kisses me passionately.

"You've been the whole Universe to me since the day we met. I'm glad the rest of the world sees you as that, too."

I'm so happy to have won Miss Universe, but being Timothée's girlfriend is an even bigger win in my books.


howdy! this was requested by Camila @coquitopapi ! i hope you enjoyed! i don't know anything abt ms. universe so i had to do a bit of research, but i hope i got the gist of it!

btw, the question in this imagine is a real ms. universe question! i didn't answer it because i didn't want to offend anyone/say something you wouldn't agree with. since it's supposed to be ur pov, you can come up with the answer if you want!

if you enjoyed, pls like, share, and follow for more! the support means so much!

much love, lyra <3

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