she's my everything

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(Timothée's POV)

When I step onto the stage, cheering erupts from the audience. I smile and wave to all of them before joining the rest of the cast of Little Women. We are doing a huge Q&A session with the whole cast and are allowing fans to ask  us whatever questions they want.

To be honest, I was really nervous about this earlier. I never know what to expect when fans ask questions. But Y/N, my beautiful and amazing girlfriend, was there to calm me down as always. She's standing in the front of the crowd right now, watching me and giving me beautiful, reassuring smiles.

The host of the session introduces the rest of the cast and the session begins. At first, people are asking normal questions about the movie, acting, and what we want to do in the future of our careers.

Then, one girl asks me a question completely off topic.

"Do you actually like your girlfriend Y/N?" the girl questions. She says it with a snarky tone and rolls her eyes as she says Y/N's name.

"Huh?" I ask. I am so taken aback that someone would ask that question that I need a moment to process it.

"You know, do you actually like your girlfriend. I personally think you can do so much better," the girl repeats. The crowd starts quietly booing her. I glance over at Y/N standing in the front row and see her looking down at her feet, playing with her fingers the way she does when she's upset. My heart breaks when I look at her.

"Of course I do. I love her, actually. She's my everything," I respond.

"Well why? I mean, she's no one special." The crowd boos at her even louder.

"She's special to me. And why are you being so rude to her. You don't know Y/N the way I know her. She's definitely the smartest girl I know, and she has a heart of gold. She just lights up every room she walks into and makes everyone feel better instantly. She doesn't have to be some famous celebrity for me to love her. I love her exactly as she is, and she doesn't need to change a thing."

The girl just looks at me with a blank expression on her face. I turn my attention to Y/N, who is now looking up at me with a sweet smile on her face. God, how can anyone say something so horrible about a girl like that?

"Y/N, come up here," I say, motioning for my girlfriend to join me on the stage. She shakes her head, hesitant at first. I give her puppy dog eyes and eventually she caves, walking around to join me.

On the stage, she slowly walks towards me, nervous as she stands in front of hundreds of people. The crowds hollers and cheers for her, but she still is a little nervous. When she finally reaches me, I wrap me arms around her and pull her close, kissing the top of her head. Then I turn towards the crowd and find that girl in the sea of people.

"I love Y/N so incredibly much. She's the love of my life, she's my everything. And if you can't accept that, then you aren't a true fan."


ciao! sorry that this imagine kinda sucks. i have a bit of writer's block but wanted to get something up. this one is short, but hopefully you like it still!

if you'd like to make a request, just pm me! i'd love to write for you!

pls like, share, and follow if you enjoyed! i promise better imagines will be coming! :)

much love, lyra <3

much love, lyra <3

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