my thoughts *please read*

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hi everyone! i hope you are doing well. i just wanted to address the timmy situation because i feel like it's kinda huge and i just wanted to share my thoughts.

so if you didn't know, timmy is currently dating an actress named eiza gonzález. gonzález was recently called out for wearing black face in the past, and some people claim she is a trump supporter (although idk how true that second part is).

people are getting pretty mad and are frustrated with timmy because he is dating someone who has done something so racist in the past. they are also getting upset that timmy hasn't addressed the whole situation whatsoever. i, however, disagree.

let me start by saying that i do not support trump in any way and i'm most definitely not racist. what gonzález did was unacceptable, no matter what the context/situation was at the time. it simply shouldn't have happened. but that isn't timmy's fault.

timmy has made it incredibly clear that he is anti-racist and has been an avid supporter of the blm movement. he has made blm resources easily accessible through his social media platforms and keeps his following relatively up-to-date on happenings within the blm movement.

just because he is dating someone who had one known incident of racism and who may have different views than him, does not mean we should "cancel" him. he is free to love whomever he wants to love, as are you. no one should ever make politics such a huge aspect of their love life.

as for him not addressing the incident with his girlfriend, i personally don't think he has any responsibility to do so. gonzález's blackface incident happened when she was 15. she's 30 now. timmy had absolutely no role in that situation. besides, he doesn't owe anyone any explanation. there is no reason he should have to explain someone else's wrongdoing. also, no one should ever feel forced/pressured into explaining why they are dating someone. how would you feel if you had to explain to every single person why you are dating someone? it just shouldn't happen.

so, please, don't hate on timmy. everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course, but i don't think that people should rip him to shreds and cancel him over something that his girlfriend did. like i said, everyone is free to love and be with whomever they want to be with. don't trash someone else because you don't agree with their decisions. nothing good ever comes out of that.

again, i don't support gonzález or her actions. but i still support timmy, because he had no role in any of it at the time.

at the end of the day, if you are getting truly and extremely upset about this, you need to get a life. there are so much better things you can be directing your frustration towards: sign petitions, protest, share resources, share stories. make your voice heard in a place where it means something more (which isn't in the timmy fandom). don't waste all your energy on worrying about timmy, not at a time like this.

so that is all i have to say about this whole situation. i felt it was important for me to share my opinion since this platform has a decent following, and many people can also share their own thoughts if they'd like.

what do you think about this situation? please feel free to share your own opinions here (but no arguments please, let's be civil and respectful).

stay healthy and safe everyone! be kind, respectful, and show your support for what you believe in!

much love, lyra <3

p.s.: i'm including some links below to resources for blm. for some reason it wouldn't let me copy the actual link, so just copy and paste the lines below into your browser. hope this helps, and i hope you use these to help make your voice heard!

1. BLM Organization

2. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

3. Website With Various Resources

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