special order

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(Timothée's POV)

I make my way down the busy New York sidewalks and push through the door to a small café. As always, the tiny room is packed with customers awaiting their turn to order a fresh cup of coffee.

Normally I wouldn't wait in such a long line for a simple cup of coffee, but at this café, I would wait for hours just to see her.

Her name is Y/N, I only know that because it's written in beautiful handwriting on the pin stuck to her apron. Despite the hectic mornings, she has a smile on her face for every customer she meets, and she's always cracking jokes with the customers. Y/N is like a bright ray of sunshine in everyone's mornings.

I've been coming to the café for weeks now, just to see her. I order the same thing everyday, give her my name, and try to work up the nerve to ask for her phone number. But just when I think I've built up the courage, she flashes her drop dead gorgeous smile, and I lose every ounce of confidence I worked up. How could she ever be interested in little old me?

As the line slowly crawls forward towards the counter, I keep my gaze on Y/N. She works quickly to fill orders, making sure every customer walks out with a smile on their face. As I get closer, I feel my heart beat pick up; she has a way of making me incredibly nervous.

At last, it's my turn to order. I open my mouth to speak, but Y/N cuts me off before I can make a sound.

"Large vanilla latte with extra cinnamon for Timothée, right?" Y/N asks, her beautiful Y/E/C eyes staring intently into mine.

"Yes... how did you remember?" I say, surprised she could remember my order.

"You've been ordering the same exact thing every morning for two weeks. Of course I remember."

"But don't you take orders from tons of other people every day?"

"Sure. But none of them are as cute as you," she says casually, winking at me. Before I can respond, she is at the back counter filling a disposable cup with warm coffee.

Wow. If only I had the guts to come out and say how I feel like she just did. I'm in such a daze over what Y/N said that I don't even realize her standing opposite me, my coffee in her hand.

"Hey, um, Timothée? Your coffee is done."

I snap out of my thoughts, gently taking the coffee out of her hand. I wish she would say my name over and over again, she makes it sound so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as she is.

"That'll be $5."

I reach into my wallet and pull out some money, making sure to leave her a generous tip.

"Thank you very much, that was so kind of you," Y/N says, noticing how much money I put into the tip jar.

"Of course," I say.

I will my mouth to say something, anything, else to her, but I can't. She's too gorgeous, and I don't want to make a fool of myself. So instead of asking her out, I raise my cup slightly and smile at Y/N.

"Well, uh, thank you for the coffee. I'll see you tomorrow."

I begin to walk away, but I hear Y/N call my name. When I turn around, she is scribbling something onto a napkin.

"Here, you forgot a napkin," Y/N says, handing me the brown paper napkin. I take it and look at what she wrote, noticing her name, a phone number, and a small heart written in neat handwriting.

"My shift ends at noon. Call me and maybe we won't have to wait until tomorrow to see each other," Y/N says, throwing a wide smile in it direction.

I can't help but smile back, noticing a deep blush appear on my cheeks.

"I'll call you at noon," I say, holding the napkin tightly in my hand.

"Looking forward to it."

Y/N smiles at me one last time before directing her attention to the next woman in line, getting ready to take her order.

Walking out of the café, I feel as though I'm on cloud nine. I savor every drop of coffee, my eyes constantly looking back down to the napkin.

How long until noon?


hey! new imagine, i actually really like this one! what do you think?

also, in more personal news, my older sister is having a BABY which means i'm gonna be an AUNTIE! i am soo excited for my sister and her husband, and i can't wait until march when i get to meet my baby niece/nephew!

okay, back to the imagines lol. if you want to make a request, pm me! i have a lot coming in, but i am trying to write them as fast as i can and would love to write something for you!

if you enjoyed this imagine, please please like, share, and follow me for more <3

thanks for reading! i hope you, your family, and your friends all stay safe and healthy!

much love, lyra <3

p.s. : t- 10 DAYS until one direction (hopefully) gets back together!! my expectations are through the ROOF people! okay by for real lmao

 : t- 10 DAYS until one direction (hopefully) gets back together!! my expectations are through the ROOF people! okay by for real lmao

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