06-1: Sandwiches

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I raced past lampposts and sidewalks alike, frantically waving my hand at the group in the distance. The wintry wind whiplashed my face, leaving it and the wide smile that had wormed its way to my lips, slightly numb.

The path along the sidewalk, as well as everything else in my vicinity, was doused in snow. The sun hung bright in the sky, so even on one of the coldest days of winter, it was enough to bring me happiness all the same.

I repositioned the large bag I carried just as I came to a halt outside the park where the members of the Film Club were waiting.

Koyuki approached me first. Aside from his coat and sweats, his blond hair was styled differently, a little more on the dishevelled end which succeeded in bringing out his eyes. Since it was the weekend he probably didn't take his time styling it like always.

"Teruhashi, you're late," he said. "I was worried you weren't coming."

"Sorry." Extending the bag I carried, I winked. "I was working on something a little special, hoping we could all eat it later when we take a break from filming."

He hesitated in accepting the bag from me. I could see it in his face, the seeping paranoia.

"Do I even want to look inside?" he asked aloud.

Miko joined us, laughing. She snatched it from his fingers. "I'll keep it with me. You'll be too busy with the camera."

He released a breath of relief. "Thanks for coming even though you didn't have to, Sakurauchi."

"How could I not? Kotori insisted she needed me."

"I do." Pouting, I latched onto her arm. "You're my moral support."

"I thought you said you were used to acting?" Koyuki asked.

"I am, but I've never played the role of one of the main characters." I reached into my coat pocket and surfaced the rolled-up script he'd graced me with two days ago. "Speaking of which, I'm glad to be the main character's best friend and all, but why does she have to be so moody? Usually, best friend characters are the happy-go-lucky ones, stringing the main character along to over-the-top parties and events."

I flipped to one of the scenes and showed it to Miko.

"This one just hates life and constantly wants to die from the stress high school brings. She's your basic teenager."

"Stop questioning the script. It's too late to change it." Koyuki gripped me by the shoulders and whisked me toward the group he'd left behind him. "Let me introduce you to the rest of the club."

I found myself staring at four people. Two guys and two girls.

"First of all, we have Sumio Tadakuni, the producer. He's responsible for approving script changes, casting, shooting locations, production schedule... Basically, he's supposed to make sure the shooting goes as smoothly as possible."

The boy in spotlight adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I approved of your participation, by the way, Teruhashi. Your looks fit perfectly with what I've envisioned for the character you're playing."

I smiled widely. "Thanks. I'm glad to be apart of this too."

"Next is the production designer, Chiaki Setoguchi," Koyuki went on, pointing to the boy next to Sumio. "He's responsible for the visual concept of the film. Making props, costumes, whatever you can think of."

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