13: Pudding Popsicles

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Thunderous applause resounded after the words 'THE END' displayed itself on the back-drop of a large screen. Most belonged to me, and as soon as Koyuki hit the lights when the credits began to roll, I lurched from my seat and bounded up to him.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed. "Beautiful. Spectacular, even. Was that really me or someone who's just as talented? And did we really film the final scene and edit the entire thing in five days? The transitions, the camera angles; it was like I was watching a professionally made movie. We can make the world a better place with those shots. We can save mankind with that message. Also, can you please tell me if you're really Koyuki Tamura or are just an alien disguised as a film director disguised as him needing an inspiring video to save the universe from galactic enemies—"

"Are you out of breath yet?" Koyuki snorted, raising an amused eyebrow.

I gasped for air for at least seven seconds to inflate my exhausted lungs, but as soon as my diaphragm was working again, I was unable to stop myself from beaming from ear to ear.

"So is that a yes to being an alien?"

"I'm so glad to hear you liked it."

He removed himself from the wall, entering the back room to shut off the film.

"I'm sure he gets the point, Kotori," Miko called out as she started up the stairs from her seat in this theatre room.

"Miko, your composition was out of this world! Are you secretly one of the goddesses of music and have never told me?"

"Why yes, how'd you know?"

"Never has my pathetic existence been graced by such beauty. You are literally the best gift this world has ever seen."

Rolling her eyes, Miko barely stifled a guffaw. "Dork. This is why I love you."

Grinning, I poked my head inside the small room Koyuki was in. "Did you already show this to everybody else?"

I really was rambling like there was no tomorrow. And maybe I was exaggerating a bit too much. But the film was just too good for something that was finished a few days ago. I still couldn't believe I was apart of it.

"We gathered them in here this morning," Koyuki explained as he stepped outside. "Sumio and I sent it in a minute to the deadline last night. It was so stressful, but here the final product is. Officially done and over with."

I whistled, placing my hands to the sides of my mouth. "And what a masterpiece it was! Koyuki Tamura, a genius at both filming and baking! Tell the world the secret to your success!"

Koyuki chuckled, the corners of his eyelids crinkling as he did. "You're way too energized today and it's weirding me out."

"I agree," Miko said. "Even this morning when Gouda turned you down for your cookies you weren't angry. Why?"

Their inquiry only allowed my exhilaration to reach new heights.

"Because now that everything is finished and I'm back to my regular sleep schedule," I drawled, hopping up to Koyuki and throwing my arms toward him, "I have secured my very first club member! The Baking Society is finally underway!"

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