50: Hanami Dango vs. Custard Pudding

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"Team Baking Society leads the series 2–1. Will this round decide it all? Or will Team Elite, our reigning champs, make a comeback?" Mr. Oto cooed. "Before we welcome Saint and Kohmi Hiroka to the stage, let's break for twenty minutes!"

Majority of those in the bleachers gratefully accepted the offer and piled out of the room. Competitors did as well. Nori excused himself to check on the others in the boys washroom. I nodded and gave him a message to pass on to Hayate for me. As I waited for them to return, I leaned against the adjacent wall, arms behind my back.

"Will you tell me?"

I wasn't expecting him. Yet, here he was, reclined against the wall beside me. He was alone—the other Cooking Club members presumably dawdling outside of the venue to make the most of this break.

"In the school hallway," he continued, "you were going to say something before Fukui interrupted."

Leave it to him dwell on my tiniest slip-ups. "I told you it was nothing."

"Even then, I want to hear it."

I flitted my attention to the tiled floors. "We're in the middle of battle and you're focusing on dumb things."

"I can't help it. The interactions we have now, albeit little, I treasure them more than you'll ever know."

"Are you regretting it?"

"I've had nothing but regrets since that day. There were so many things I could have said. Done. I wrongly convinced myself you were giving it up because those bullies had finally worn you down. But, you love desserts more than anything. Giving up everything to bake them, even being how horrible you are, wasn't a ridiculous notion at all, looking back. Why did I stupidly tell myself I was doing the right thing, then? If I gave in sooner... if I was there to support you instead of pushing you away..."

"I wouldn't have met the others," I finished. "I doubt I'd have become friends with Miko either."

Up until that day, it'd always been the two of us. Okito was the biggest part of my life. Every joy, sorrow, minor inconvenience or demand, I'd force onto him. And each time, he would begrudgingly appease me. The one time he didn't led to this. He was looking out for me in his own way, but I wanted to prove him wrong no matter what. Though, the closer I tried to get, the more distant we became. The future I imagined back then was a lot different than my current present.

There were bountiful ways we could've solved this childish quarrel between us two hardheads, but there was no use dwelling on what could've been. We were here now.

"I'll tell you if you win." Smiling, I pivoted in his direction. "What I was going to say. What I've wanted you to know for a long time."

Okito's lip quirked up. "You know that's been my plan from the beginning."

I snorted. "I have no intention of losing either. My goal hasn't changed from the start. So if I have to tell you these words I've buried in my heart, it'll be when I've lost once and for all."

"There's a whole lot riding on your loss. But... what happens if you win? You have no requests?" His hand met the wall behind my ear. "For me to give you a proper confession or kiss... Whisper sweet nothings... You can literally ask anything of me."

My skin flamed as I gazed into his hypnotizing eyes. "I..."

A bell rang out. I jolted.

"It's starting." He retreated. Then, as if amused by my obvious blush, smirked. "I'll look forward to those heartfelt words."

"Y-you seem to forget we're one win away from victory!" I said after him. "If Nori prevails—"

"He won't." His tone withheld not a shred of doubt. "It's our showdown that'll decide it all. Their clash is simply putting off the inevitable."

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