08: Croquembouche

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"Thanks for walking me here, Kotori."

I craned my neck towards the flower shop Miko had gotten the job for ways back. The little shop was gleaming inside and out, adorned with countless flowerbeds of sweet scents. More flowers sat idly inside along with another employee whose uniform was immaculate and bright.

"I see your coworker is as hot as ever," I cooed, peering into the glass.

Though standing at a rather short stature, he was an incredible sight. Navy blue hair cropped his head, gentle cerulean eyes and warm smile stunning me as he organized a couple of flowerpots. If his parents were florists and were the owners of this shop as Miko had notified me, I wasn't exactly surprised he'd grown such a strong affinity to flowers. Moreover, from the stories she'd told me about this mysterious male, his personality was apparently as handsome as his face.

"Don't tell me this is the reason you decided to walk me here?"

"Maybe." I gandered as the boy rose an arm, riding up his shirt and exposing his toned stomach. I oohed. "Hell yes. Look at those abs—"

"Kotori," she chastised.

Stiffening, I hesitated before catching her eyes. Nothing but disapproval coated her countenance, making me sweatdrop. Guilt rippled through me. "I-I promise you're the only one I want, Miko. Hot men don't attract me at all."

Rolling her eyes, she shooed me off. "Just get out of here."

"Fine, I'll go," I said as she nudged me onto the sidewalk. "Cheapskate."

"See you tomorrow, Kotori."

By means of a final wave and head-shake, Miko twisted on the heels of her shoes and entered the petite shop, the above bell ringing to signal her arrival. Sighing, I briefly observed as Mr. Handsome went ahead to greet Miko, an even more gorgeous smile in place.

Seriously, it must be nice having ridiculously good looks like that. Not only him, but Koyuki must live a good life as well, considering he was also oozing hottie vibes.

Stuffing my hands into my coat's pockets to keep them as warm as possible, I ambled down the snowy cement. The sky was still rather bleak, seeping into my surroundings, as well as dousing the passing citizens in an almost monochrome effect. My breaths flew out in little puffs of white, and I buried my face into my scarf to keep my face warm.

A wide variety of shops lined the streets; from antique and art stalls to luxurious jewelry boutiques. People flocked to them like fireflies to a lamp, enthusiasm accentuating their features. When I passed by a coniferous tree positioned outside the window of one, I was no different.

I approached the tree, glistening red and green ornaments as well as other minuscule decor. A smile flitted onto my lips when I caught sight of other illuminations hanging around the windows of the shop itself. They still had their Christmas decorations up. Well, the holiday was only a few weeks back.

I poked my face into the window, surveying the beautiful lights and cute little Santa Clauses they had propped up on the pane. When my gaze landed onto the centrepiece of the shop, my mouth collapsed.

It was a tall tower of puff pastries, erected by profiteroles dipped in gooey caramel. The beauty of the dessert seamlessly blended with the sugared almonds and melted chocolate seeping like tiny waves down it all. It sparkled—most definitely because of the spun sugar around this pyramid, but also because of the sugar art. Roses, daisies; even makeshift ornaments and a huge red-green bow were pasted directly in the middle.

A Christmas themed croquembouche, I'd realized, gaze entirely fixed on the creation. It was so beautiful. And it looked so very—


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