Chapter 2: Moving In

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"That. Is. Huge." you stated the most obvious thing about the house making him shrug.

Damn, and you'll be staying here for how many months?!? This house is crazy!

Nick opened the car door for you, and he also volunteered to get your luggage in the trunk. Yup, he's a total gent.

He started walking straight to the massive door of the mansion while you were on his back; tailing him.

Nick knocked at the door three times. His foot was pacing back and forth.

"Someone will show you to your room y/n. He's a good boy, don't worry," he told you with a smile at the end. You just nodded your head absent-mindedly like always.

He pounded the door three times again, still no one was opening it.

Nick muttered "lazy boys" underneath his breath, yet you still heard it because you're a nosy witch, and also because he's like 10 inch closer in front of you if that made sense.

"Jaden! Anthony! Griffin! Or Kio! Or anyone who's in there, open the goddamn door!"Nick shouted for the ear-less people inside. He shouts like he's about to gave out his vocal cords.

You heard shuffling and laughter from inside of the door. This people are taking so long—

The door opened chaotically.

"Oh, hey, what's up Nick? C'mon in." a tall boy with blond on his hair stood in front of you two. He's cute and kind of hot. Oh wait, shit, is this even appropriate to think about?

Nick goes inside, then you followed him because that's how it was supposed to be.

Oh good God lord almighty.

Your eyes were about to fall out its socket after seeing such mesmerizing beauty.

The freaking house is an aesthetic beauty! The walls are creamy white, there's an expensive glass door for the living room, and just like seeing heaven, all white. Amazing!

(Author's note: I'm sorry if I ever made mistakes about the Sway House. I don't live there lmao so yeah. I just put what I saw on the Youtube video of the house tour.)

"Hey, Jaden. Here's y/n, she's gonna be your new house mate here in Sway House." Nick introduced you to the guy named Jaden. Jaden, who just noticed your presence right now, gazed at you.

Jaden smiled warmly so you do the same then, he side-hugged you. He smell great like fresh new clothes also, you feel a major rockstar vibes on him.

"Oh, wow. I didn't know there would be a new house mate on this house... which is a girl. Not that I mind though." Jaden trailed off with a smirk, you took a sideway glanced at Nick who just coughed like nothing happened.

"*cough* Jaden, call Griffin for me. He'll be showing y/n around the house." Nick stated, trying hard not to look you in the eyes.

Hmm, perhaps, he's kind of guilty for not telling you that he's not the only one on this big-ass mansion and so, he felt guilty.

Jaden rolled his eyes. "I can show her around, why call someone else?" he nagged.

You think Nick was sick of his tantrums so he called Griffin himself instead.


You swore to God, it's either Nick's vocal cord or your ear drum that will not last for long. You closed your ears but you can still hear the ringing.

You heard loud foot steps from above, before another guy shows up from the stair.

"Nick, you called me?"


A male sent from heaven above stood still at the end of the stairs. Seriously, if Jaden was hot as hell, this guy has no exeption...

Griffin came closer to all of you three then he looked at you. "Who's this?" he was raising his bushy eyebrow while examining you.

Fuck me—he's so freaking clean on this closer view! Cleaner than Mr. Clean himself, you say. You swore you also smell rubbing alcohol on him or something. Bet he's a nurse... he has the potential of being an actual baby-daddy.

"It's Y/n, the one I texted you about yesterday!" Nick explained turning Griffin's mouth to an 'o' shape. They really be talking about you like that in front of your face.

Griffin clapped his hands, volunteering to hold you luggage so, you thanked him on a very kind manner. Sucks for him, your luggage weighs a ton.

You followed Griffin upstairs, while Nick and Jaden was out of sight. There's a very big window in front of the stairs so you tried to peep out at the glass window.

There's a giant pool and jacuzzi on the backyard, and also an amazing sight of L.A. You muttered a "wow", before joining Griffin up the stairs.

"It's so beautiful right?" Griffin asked. You were about to say "Who, me?" but you choose to just nod your head in agreement because both are beautiful. Sis was dreaming. (Nah you're beautiful AF, don't let them say such things to you.)

"Nick told me that you'll be editing for us." Griffin mentioned. To be honest you didn't know that.

You thought you were just doing an editing job for Nick? Not for him? You know what, okay you don't really mind at all. You'll be staying In a house with cuties anyway.

"Yeah. Nick contacted me on internet, I was kinda suprised that he wanted me to move in for a job." you responded.

You two stopped in front of a brown door, Griffin opened it with a key from his pocket. Then, you entered your supposed room.

The walls were painted white, there's a queen sized bed enough for you to fit, a closet and another door...

Griffin might have sense why you're staring at a door so, he started talking.

"Oh, that will be your bathroom." he responded. Well, that explains it.

And he looked up at you making your eyebrows raised.

"...that we have to share." he added.

You weren't drinking any water but you almost choke.

Say what? You were okay with that but that's a little bit questionable... for some reason.

"Is there any problem with that?" he query, you shook your head "no" but it was evident that you were kind of hesitant with your answer.

He puts your luggage down before sitting in your bed then he pointed the bathroom. "As you can see, our rooms our connected in some way so we have to share a bathroom. But don't worry, I don't use it every minute." he chuckled at the end. "And I'm not always here." he whispered those last words sadly, so you shrugged it off.

"It's okay for me, it's just a bathroom." you replied. Yeah, it's just a normal kind of bathroom but YOU'RE SHARING IT WITH A HOT GUY BUT YOU DON'T REALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT.

He smiled at that then you do a high five, "Can I call you Griff?" you whispered.

"Yeah totally." he answered back.

"So, um, can I go now? It's very awkward to stay at a girl's bedroom for too long... especially with just the two of us." he looked away from you while rubbing the back of his neck, making you blushed at the thoughts that were running on your mind.

"Umm, yeah. You can go now." you muttered and he quickly nod his head at that.

Before he closed the door, he stayed there for a second before telling you something.

"If you ever need something, just knocked to the door next to your room." he suggested. You nodded your head, briefly taking a note about that.

"See you at dinner."

After that, the door closes.

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