Thunder Strangers Parts 2 and 3

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A/N: Thank you @rivierajojo951  for the vote on the last chapter! I appreciate it! I still want some comments and reviews though! So we left off with Sofia seeing Hunter and Blake after saving Tori, Shane, and Dustin! Let's see what happens next with our favorite heroes! And as I said I am still new to writing so...!

  (A/N: This scene takes place during the current day where we left off on in Chapter 2, the beach scene is when the outfit above will come into play. Anyways back to the story...)

"Hunter... Blake...," Sofia growled.

Tori, Shane, and Dustin looked at the blonde in shock as they stumbled to the top of the hill.

"You three know each other," asked Tori.

" You could say that," answered Sofia as she glared at the two boys.

The shorter, dark-haired brother, obviously Blake, moved to help Tori up, while a red-haired chick spoke to them.

" I was listening to the radio on my way here! They said it was some sort of alien attack! Are you guys alright? We should call someone! The FBI, the CIA, anybody," she rushed out.

" Kelly, we're fine," Tori said to calm her down.

Hunter walked over to Sofia. Sofia began to stumble as her major brain freeze returned. He grabbed her elbow and pulled her against him to keep her from falling. They briefly looked into each other's eyes before she pulled away from him.

" What do you think you're doing," she yelled in his face.

"Whoa! I think I just stopped you from passing out again! Cat-Girl," Hunter snapped, " So maybe you should learn to be grateful!"

"Yeah right! Why should I be grateful to the guys that helped Lothor destroy my school and capture my sensei," she rebuked.

Hunter's face fell. " Listen, about that! We weren't thinking straight! We just want revenge on their sensei for killing our parents! You've got to understand," he pleaded, pointing at Tori, Shane, and Dustin.

" I understand why you want revenge and I want it too, but Lothor lied to you guys! That's what he does, Hunter! I thought you would know that more than anybody, but I guess you don't! Some Thunder ninja you are," Sofia answered his plead.

Sofia walked away, leaving a hurt Hunter behind.

"Wait. She wants revenge too? On who and for what," wondered Hunter.

" Ouch! Rejected," Blake laughed.

" Shut up," Hunter snapped.

Blake chuckled to himself as the brothers walked up the hill after Sofia, Tori, Shane, Dustin, and Kelly.

                                                                   Thunder Strangers Pt. 2

Sofia watched as Tori walked out of the water with her surfboard at her side. She appeared lost in thought. Not that Sofia could blame her. Her earlier conversation with Hunter had caught her off guard too.

"Hey, you okay," Tori asked.

"Yeah, why?" Sofia answered.

"You seemed lost in thought," Tori answered.

"Speak for yourself Ms. I-like-Blake," Sofia teased.

Tori blushed at this comment.

"How did you know," asked Tori.

"Oh please, I saw how you looked at each other back at the track," Sofia rebutted playfully.

The two girls were so busy talking and walking back to Tori's van that they didn't notice Hunter and Blake passing by them.

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