A Gem of a Day

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A/N: Without further ado, 'A Gem of a Day.'

Hunter raced through the dirt on his motorbike, alone, which was strange considering he always rode with Blake or Sofia. He arrived at a grassy cliffside and pulled his bike to a stop.

The crimson ranger removed his helmet and sat on a rock as if it were a chair. He sat there as if he were meditating or thinking.


He and Blake as young children training at the Thunder Ninja Academy, Zurgane and Lothor capturing them, Hunter blocking Lothor's laser with the Gem of Souls, shattering it into smaller bits, His parents' ghosts speaking to the brothers.

Hunter blinked as the memories faded.

Cam walked through the rocks with a scanner of some sort and Sofia followed close behind.

"Have you found anything yet?" she asked.

"Not anything that can match these energy readings," Cam replied. "Dad, we're getting close to the source of the radiation surge."

"Good work, son. Until we know for certain the cause of the disturbance, both of you must be very careful," Sensei responded through the amulet.

"You don't have to remind me every time," Cam grumbled as he signed off.

"I know how you feel," Sofia assured him.

Cam ignored her and resumed scanning the mountains for any source that could relate to the energy pulse.

"Huh?" Cam asked as he saw the infrared image of Hunter's bike. Then he looked over to see the blonde sitting on a rock. "What is he doing here?"

"Who?" Sofia wondered.

"You'll see, just follow me," Cam ordered. The samurai walked off and the blizzard ninja followed close behind.

They walked up to the grassy cliff and saw Hunter kneeling and tying his shoe.

"Lose something?" Cam inquired, placing a hand on the biker's shoulder.

"Huh?" Hunter grabbed the hand, clearly startled, and flipped the green ranger over his shoulder. Hunter sank into a defensive stance before realizing that it was Cam.

"You have got to lay off the caffeine," Cam groaned, whipping off the scanning glasses.

"Oh, it's you, sorry," Hunter apologized, helping Cam to his feet.

"What are you doing out here, anyway?" Cam interrogated.

"I could ask you the same thing," Hunter retorted, letting go of his hand and walking away.

"And we would tell you that we're tracking an excessive radiation signal that we picked up on my monitors," Cam rebuked.

"We? Who's we?" Hunter asked.

"Me," Sofia said from behind him.

Hunter turned to see his girlfriend, in her white leather jacket (zipped up), black jeans, and black ankle boots, leaning against his bike.

"What are you doing here?" Hunter interrogated.

"Before I answer you, I think you should show us what you're hiding, Hunter Bradley," Sofia rebutted, pushing off of his bike.

"Uh... well, I found this today," Hunter answered, pulling something off of the side of his bike and handing it to Cam. "It's one of Zurgane's swords, but he wouldn't leave the ship without it."

"Not alive, anyway," Cam reminded him.

"You sure that's all you're hiding?" Sofia inquired.

"Positive," Hunter lied, turning away from the two rangers.

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