The Wild Wipeout

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A/N: I don't own anything, except Sofia. Without further ado, ' The Wild Wipeout!'

Sofia and Tori surfed the waves as recreation since there were currently no monster attacks and the boys were off doing who knows what! They ran to their spot and passed some dudes.

"Yo, yo! Babe alert," Dude #1 wolf-whistled as they watched the girls run past them.

"Dude, I was checking their moves out there. Not bad... for a bunch of chicks," Dude #2 laughed.

"As long as they stay out of the way and leave the big swells to us, I got no problem," Dude #1 said.

"I hear ya," Dude #2 agreed.

Sofia and Tori looked at each other while drying their hair.

"Let's show them," Sofia said.

"Right," Tori nodded.

They picked up their boards and pushed past the surfer muscleheads.

"Excuse me," Tori whispered.

The muscleheads watched as the two girls jogged to the water and swam over the waves. Tori and Sofia scoffed as they swam through the water on their surfboards.

"That's right, surfer girls, just surf your way into my trap," Vexacus cackled from under the lifeguard chair. "Do it, Goldwinger," he commanded the moth monster beside him.

Goldwinger waved his staff and gold dust circled the two girls' heads. They stood up on their boards as an enormous wave approached.

"Whoa!" the surfer dudes cheered, clearly impressed.

The enormous wave became too much to handle as it towered over the two female friends. It knocked both off their boards and snapped their tether on their legs. Tori landed in a backslap position, while Sofia hit her head off of the water, hard, as she fell in. They were knocked out.

Alternate dimension

Sofia and Tori laid motionless on the beach with the water lapping at their feet. Tori woke up first, "Nasty wipeout," she groaned. She looked to her side and saw Sofia lying motionless in her white and silver wetsuit beside her.

"Sofia! Sofia, wake up," Tori urged. Sofia groaned as she opened her eyes.

"Ouch, my head! What happened? The last thing I remember is surfing," Sofia groaned.

"I have no idea what happ..." Tori trailed off as she noticed a Kelzak 'attacking' an elderly woman.

"Tori?" Sofia asked. She followed the Blue Ranger's gaze to the Kelzak and the woman. "Let's go."

"Hey! Stop!" Tori yelled as she grabbed the Kelzak and flipped it to the sand. "It's okay ma'am. You're safe now."

"What did you do that for?" the old woman angrily interrogated.

"That was a Kelzak," Tori said.

"Of course it was. And he was kind enough to help me with my seat. Next time, mind your own business, sister," the old lady growled and stomped away.

Sofia watched this whole exchange with a frown of confusion. They looked around and saw various monsters that they had already defeated.

They noticed Mr. Ratwell at a grill, "Okay. Who's ready for a burger?" he asked two girls.

Then they noticed another monster putting up and umbrella, "Oh, what a beautiful day!" he exclaimed.

They saw a third monster playing ball, "Hey! Pass me that beach ball," he said.

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