Scent of a Ranger

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A/N: And... we're back! Can you believe that Mike Chat (Lightspeed Blue) has challenged my taekwondo school to a martial arts challenge and has offered an autographed picture of him as a Power Ranger to the winner! Back to the story, I reused the outfit from the last chapter since they were either morphed or in their ninja uniforms the whole time. Without further ado, the Scent of a Ranger!

The three Winds and Cam were training on the beach. Tori threw a kick at Shane who threw a kick at Dustin who fell on the ground. Cam ran past them, climbed a mountain, and flipped off of it, but instead of landing on his feet he landed on his back.

"He is such a show-off," Tori laughed as they went to help him up.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to take points off for that landing," Dustin quipped.

"Let me try that again," Cam protested.

"Why don't we bag it for today? You look beat, bro," Shane denied.

"No, I'm fine," Cam argued.

Shane's morpher beeped, indicating an incoming transmission.

"Go for Shane," he answered.

"Shane, could you please ask Cam to return to Ninja Ops? I'm having trouble with the mainframe. I must've pressed the button I wasn't supposed to," Sensei explained.

"I'll be right there, Dad," Cam told him.

"It doesn't sound good," Tori jokingly said.

"I told him to stay away from the supercomputer. I'll be back as soon as I can," Cam announced.

They watched as Cam streaked off into the hills.

"I'm worried about Cam. He runs the entire Ninja Ops. Now he's a ranger, too," Tori stated.

"Yeah, he never gets any downtime," Shane agreed.

"Dude's gonna seriously burn out," Dustin fired back.

Scene change to when Hunter or Blake finally enter because that's when Sofia enters. I couldn't find a way to insert her into this scene so I decided to just go with whenever Hunter or Blake enter and incorporate her in some way, shape, or form.

Sofia and Tori sat in the lounge at Storm Chargers. Tori was studying for a test and Sofia was reading a book. Blake walked in holding a random bottle of what looked to be... perfume?

"Yo, Tori, what's up?" he greeted.

Tori looked up at her crush and smiled.

"A huge test next week," Tori replied.

"What's that?" she asked as she noticed the bottle in his hands.

"We just got some new samples in of a sports cologne for girls and I thought you might want to try it," Blake responded.

Tori took it eagerly and sniffed it. She immediately cringed at the putrid smell.

"Well, um, it smells... great," Tori lied.

Sofia just silently smirked at the tone Tori used so that she wouldn't disappoint the navy wielder of thunder.

"So, aren't you going to try it?" Blake eagerly requested.

"Oh... yeah, sure," Tori replied in a subtly revolted voice.

Blake took it from her and began squirting it.

"Um, I don't like to wear too much," Tori protested.

"Hey, Soph, do you want some?" Blake asked.

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