Boxing Bopp-a- Roo

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A/N: Back again! Above is Sofia's outfit for this chapter. The hair is supposed to be a high ponytail just like the last two chapters! Anyways ENJOY!

Sofia and Sensei watched as Shane and Hunter engaged in a sparring match on the beach.

"You never heard of cutting your losses," Shane taunted as he kicked Hunter away from him.

"Huh?" Hunter asked in confusion.

The two reds charged at each other. Hunter knocked Shane's legs out from under him.

"What losses?" Hunter snidely countered as he held the air ninja's arm behind his back.

Shane saw an opening and grabbed Hunter's ankle which caused the crimson thunder ninja to fall flat on his back.

"What's the point of these two sparring, Sensei? All that happens is a fight for superiority," Sofia commented.

"Hunter and Shane must learn to work together," Sensei replied.

They watched as Shane and Hunter threw a variety of techniques at one another. Hunter pushed Shane away from him and grabbed his wrist in pain.

"I thought we were just sparring," Hunter snapped.

"Hey, if you can't keep up, we can get my sister over here," Shane teased.

"You're straight comedy, Shane," Hunter scoffed.

The two grabbed at each other's uniforms with teeth bared and murderous glints in their eyes.

"Enough," Sensei commanded.

The guinea pig kicked the two boys in their chests causing them to fall.

"Wow! You boys are really in the doghouse now," Sofia chuckled.

"We've talked about the Wind and Thunder ninjas working together as one. What have we said?" Sensei lectured.

"A competitive spirit is healthy..." Shane began.

"As long as you don't sacrifice honor and friendship," Hunter interrupted.

"Dude, I was right in the middle of saying that," Shane growled.

The two prepared to battle again.

"Alright! Pushups! Drop," Sensei commanded.

"Good one," Hunter accused.

The two boys dropped and began to do their pushups, but their competitive senses caused them to speed up.

Sofia rolled her sapphire eyes at this.

"Sensei, may I make a suggestion?" she asked.

"You may," Sensei agreed.

"If this keeps occurring, I would like Hunter and Shane to spar me. Except I will be morphed and fully armed," she suggested, making the last part loud and clear for the two alphas.

"That is an excellent idea," Sensei complied.

"Hear that, boys?" she teased.

The two stopped doing their pushups and turned to look at the Blizzard ninja in shock and a little bit of fear.

"How about we go, sign Hunter up for the Total Trek, and get breakfast because I am hungry," Sofia suggested.

"Let's go. I'll buy you breakfast," Hunter agreed.

"No, I'll buy her breakfast. I'm one of her best friends," Shane argued.

"I'm her boyfriend so I'll buy her breakfast," Hunter argued back.

When The Blizzard Hits: A Power Rangers Ninja Storm StoryWhere stories live. Discover now