Down and Dirty

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A/N: Here we are! The penultimate chapter already! I think I'm going to cry! Anyways, enjoy!

"Vexacus!" Lothor yelled. "I thought we talked about this! We decided that you weren't going to destroy any more of my generals without my permission!"

"Sir..." Vexacus began to protest.

"Do you think high-ranking evil ninja officers simply grow on trees?" Lothor interrupted him. 

"Well, sir, I'm aware of your frustration, but I simply felt as though Motodrone could no longer be trusted," Vexacus replied. 

"Well, I guess, we'll never know, will we?" Lothor growled. "You're too good a warrior to destroy, Vexacus. So I'm going to let you off with another warning, but don't let it happen again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, sir. You have my word," Vexacus complied.

Lothor growled in uncertainty and turned away.

"Sucker," Vexacus insulted.

The track

"Welcome to the Blue Bay Harbor Motocross and the last qualifier before the nationals next month. The top four riders this season will qualify for the big show. So there's a lot at stake here, folks," the announcer announced.

Blake, Hunter, Kelly, and Sofia walked onto the track. The brothers were racing against each other to qualify for the nationals.

"You put in a new air filter, right?" Kelly questioned.

"Yeah," Blake replied.

"Did you seal it so no dirt gets in your airbox?" Hunter interrogated.

"Bro, I'm not an idiot," Blake responded.

"Hunter, you're being overprotective," Sofia laughed. Hunter gave her an indigenous look.

"Am not," Hunter refuted.

"Are too," Sofia countered. She gave him a look that prevented him from arguing anymore.

"Hey, has anyone seen Dustin?" Kelly inquired.

"Nah, I thought he'd be here for sure," Blake answered.

The brothers found their bikes and mounted them.

"Thanks, man," Hunter told a maintenance worker.

"Thanks." Blake patted the man's arm.

"Crazy, huh?" Hunter asked.

"What's that?" Blake questioned in response.

"Well, even if one of us wins, it's not like we can bail and fly around the countryside racing," Hunter answered.

The 30-second board went up.

"Dude, I just want to prove I can beat these clowns," Blake said. "As long as I do that, man, it's all good."

"Well, don't get too disappointed," Hunter shouted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blake asked.

"I'm not here to podium. I want first. We may go down as a team, but we're still racing," Hunter answered confidently.

"No problems here," Blake laughed. The brothers high-fived and adorned their racing helmets.

The 5-second board went up and the racers revved up their bikes, preparing to take off. The gates went down and the racers sped off with Hunter in the lead.

"The gate drops and there they go! And it looks like a clean start from the gate for Hunter Bradley," the announcer reported. "Now it's Hunter and Blake Bradley out in front and they are battling. You'd never know these guys are brothers. They come into the last turn side by side and, oh, Blake takes Hunter's lead. And Blake comes out on top in that exchange. Folks, that's just good, clean racing!"

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