seventeen | afraid no more

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Bella watched as Alison's head disappeared under the harsh waves before turning back to her unconscious cousin

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Bella watched as Alison's head disappeared under the harsh waves before turning back to her unconscious cousin. The guilt she felt was consuming her. Jacob wouldn't acknowledge her as he laid Freya on the pebbled beach, leaning over her body. Next to him, Bella sunk to her knees, wrapping her arms around her cold body.

Jacob cupped Freya's cheek; a shaky finger stroked her salty skin, whispering her name for her to open her eyes, but they didn't. Her chest didn't move as Jacob hurried to save her, fists pressing down on her chest repeatedly as his teeth clenched together.

"Jake - let me," Bella tried.

"Stay away," he growled.

Jacob didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips to her own; hot breath inflating her lungs that turned to a sob. Cursing himself mentally, he repeated his actions, not looking up as Sam approached the three of them. Alison had checked the water to make sure they were safe, having told Jacob about Victoria, but now Alison was unknowing of her friend's condition.

"Freya, baby, please," Jacob pleaded.

He wasn't accepting losing her. In a few short months, Freya had wormed her way into his life, even more so with the imprinting bond between them. From the first time Bella stopped by with bikes, and he had seen Freya (away from the full moon), he had been mesmerised by her, realising that she brought joy to everyone's lives despite her moaning and moodiness. She loved unconditionally and protected everyone dear to her, and Jacob wanted to have a place in her heart. Jacob never wanted to live in a world without Freya Swan.

He tried once more as her chest thumped under his touch with his breath filling her with life.

A pained gasp tore through Freya as Jacob rolled her onto her side as the water cane up from her lungs. She coughed, eyes-wide as her hazel irises met his own. He didn't say anything as he pulled her into his arms, tears spilling into her wet hair as he exhaled a relieved breath.

"Noah?" She croaked.

"Freya," he pulled back, keeping her steady. Freya winced as Jacob checked her over, noticing the bump on the back of her head. Already her body was knitting itself back together; it seemed she had started to gain the abilities of the wolves that had been a huge relief to the group. "Baby, you saved Bella."

Freya's eyebrows furrowed, causing a dimple next to her right eyebrow. "Noah was in the water," she insisted.

"No, he wasn't," Bella looked down at her clenched fists as Freya faced her cousin at a loss of words on what she was supposed to say to her. It all started coming back to Freya. Bella had jumped, then Freya and Alison had saved her. But it wasn't Noah in the water: it was Victoria. "It was..."

"Victoria?" Sam finished, where his face was drawn tight in concern with what that now meant for the two mermaids. Victoria now knew their secret, which only fueled her motives to keep coming back. Both Freya and Alison were now in danger. Sam's jaw clenched, eyes blazing with anger at Bella for being so foolish. "I'm glad you're okay, Freya, but this is going to complicate things."

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